Sometimes they don't want as much massage. Don't get discouraged. My massage technique is, I sit them on my lap with their back against me. I position one hand under their arms and support them with my thumb and forefinger. I slip the massaging hand under and massage in a firm circular downward motion, sometimes the motion is more downwards than circular. I typically start in the center going all the way down, repeat in the same spot once or twice and then move 1/4 to 1/2 to the right and repeat until I run out of stomach. Then switch holding hands and repeat on the left side. If they are still willing at that point I repeat. Depending on the chin, I've been able to sit and massage up to 15 to 30 minutes. We sit and watch TV together and keep it up as long as they let me and my hand doesn't fatigue.
Claire D has mastered giving subq fluids on her own, but I need help. With Tucker my mother held and I inserted the needle and pushed the fluids in. Sparky wouldn't settle with my mother, so I held him against my chest, she slipped her hands in one under his butt and one behind his head/shoulders which made my hands free to insert the needle. Then we gently switched hands back and she pushed the fluids. It was quite the contortionist sideshow, but it worked for him. If you get a subq set up from the vet, have them either give you butterfly needles or set you up with a 30" IV extension and needles. Its much easier administering fluids with a lead than directly from a syringe, as the extension moves with them if they squirm. Also, if you're injecting meds push 1/2 the subq fluids into the chin, take the solution syringe off, attach the meds syringe and push that in, then finish the subq fluids. This way you only have to poke them once and it completely avoids the hazard of a baytril abscess. I've also found that a 23g needle works the best for administering subq fluids to chins as it's small enough that it doesn't hurt too bad, but big enough that you're not fighting the syringe to pump in fluids.