Getting numbers of chins in a short period of time?

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I too have seen the buying spree. The fast and furious. I have warned several people about that very thing. Two unloaded all their chins and one is still in.

Last year I had to turn away two boys I adopted out because I had no space.( they came as a result of CL adoption/rescue ) That one hurt. Although I know the girl would of found them nice homes. I was "miffed" that she contacted me in such a short time. I did give her a number to a rescue that is local. The rescue said no contact was made to take them in.

We have all heard the stories. And you now what I mean. I agree with another post someone made. Be honest and just sell the herd of show animals and breeding animals.

Then there are those who just breed for a quick buck. There are several people who really make me want to shake them. I just don't understand what they hope to achieve. Enough said.
I got my first two in January (after wanting chins for almost 10 years already) and added my third just this month. We have plans on adding a fourth in the future, but I'm already sure that is going to be our last. I can't imagine caring for 20, 30, 60 chins! Wow. I work with animals all day, every day, so cleaning and feeding and vet visits are no strangers to me, but the chins are a whole job in themselves and they really aren't for everyone. I love to tell people about my fuzzballs, but I also make sure to point out their strict care and long lifespan to anyone who seems interested in them. Then there are the people who will just do whatever they feel like at the moment--unfortunately there will always be those people :-(
I got my first chins back in 2005 for my kids, but contacted a reputable breeder first, asked lots of questions, found the original Chins n Quills forum, then brought our 2 boys home. It didn't take me long to get hooked. I waited a year before I bred my first pair. Five years later I'm still hooked on Chins. I did recently have to scale back a bit because of my recent diagnosis of cancer.
It was hard, as I get very attached to my animals. I have some older girls and boys that are nearing retirement and will stay here. On my good days I find myself in the chin room cleaning, and talking to my critters. I often prefer their company to the 2 legged animals we all call humans! :)
I often prefer their company to the 2 legged animals we all call humans!

I totally understand what you mean! There are days when all the BS of having to deal with my family and others that I am physically drained and exhausted but one look at my chins and it all melts away!
My mom got her first ferret, maybe six months ago and we had only her for the first four months then gradually she started bringing more and more home. It got to the point where every weekend she was bringing a new animal home.

Getting a ferret in every color was definitely a motive. It just kind of upsets me because I know we don't have the space, time, or funds to care for all these animals, and yet she continues to get more. I've gotten her to stop for the time being, but I know she'll start it up again.
I guess I understand the addiction to chins, but I frankly can't relate. I love my chinchilla, Chloe. The only reason I've ever considered getting another would be solely for her benefit and the benefit to the rescued animal coming into my home. I don't care what color she is or what her fur looks like or how many limbs or eyes or ears she has but I do care if she's healthy and if I can give her what she needs. I'd only ever get another animal because I want to help them but if there weren't any needy animals in the world and chins hated eachother I would own one animal for my entire life.

I have the resources to completely spoil one chinchilla or any other equally costly pet at the moment. And to be honest, I am totally content with that.
My mom got her first ferret, maybe six months ago and we had only her for the first four months then gradually she started bringing more and more home. It got to the point where every weekend she was bringing a new animal home.

Getting a ferret in every color was definitely a motive. It just kind of upsets me because I know we don't have the space, time, or funds to care for all these animals, and yet she continues to get more. I've gotten her to stop for the time being, but I know she'll start it up again.

Sounds like my sister and her daschunds..she had 6 and one died and she wants to get another one! Thankfully her husband has said no for now but he has been known to give into her because it is easier than listening to her!