Genetic/breeding research

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2014
Hello everyone!
So right now I am looking for good places to do some research. Genetics has always been an interests of mine, so I would love a good source where I can learn about the different phenotypes/genotypes. If anyone can direct me on where to go, that would be great!

I have been searching the forums, but I feel that the results are so random that it makes it harder to piece information together... So that's why I'm asking for a specific source. Thanks in advance ^.^
I grabbed this wonderful genetic information from Chinbin's site before she shut down for good. It is how I learned the colors as we didn't have the handy dandy color calculator back in the day.

It is not accurate, especially the Gene Formulas she uses for Violet and Sapphire (Blue Diamonds) but it is a good start.
Thank you! :] Is it just the genetic formulas that I should avoid or should I use it anyway for now? I just don't want to confuse myself with the wrong info. :]
You can use it anyway.

With the Sapphire / Violet nomenclature the Stds + sv paired with Stdv + vs does not give you a good option for all combinations;

Violet sc
Sapphire vc
Standard dual carrier

I haven't taken the time to sit down and figure out as I already know what the cross produces. :)
There is also a book by Alice Kline slightly out dated but it is a genetics book you can purchase it through mutation or empress I believe
If you are wanting genetic information in general - rabbit colors work the same way as chins. Different colors but the genetics are the same as are cavys (guinea pigs). The rabbit groups are a huge wealth of information and extremely knowledgeable individuals. ARBA (American Rabbit Breeders Assoc) is the national club for both rabbits and cavys.