Gabby and the new Vet

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Do the chinny shuffle!
Jan 29, 2009
So I took Gabby to the vet, as her weight loss has continued, despite the food change, and the Lifeline etc....

So, the vet looked her over, looked at her teeth and could not palpate any issue in her belly, so they took her back and did x rays.

They showed nothing a miss in the belly or else where and her teeth looked fine. He did say that he is still concerned for maybe a tooth point in the back and would like to put her under and get a good look. He said she had food in her mouth so he could not see it all well.

So she goes back Monday AM to be dropped off, to be put under, have her mouth rinsed and totally checked over for points, and filed if needed and for bloodwork.

Poor Gabby, was so not happy with the attention, but this vet (same office I go, they messed up and gave me diff vet) was very good. I like him just as much as my regular vet!!

So wish Gabby luck for Monday!
I wish Gabby good luck for Monday! It's good that the vet will do the blood work+check that tooth point. I hope he/she will find the problem. It must be so frustrating for you.
Does Gabby eat and drink ok?
I would give Oxbow alfalfa, as it tones up the appetite and digestion, helps with weight gain.
Vitamin C gently stimulates appetite, rose hips would be great.
Wheat germ
Acidophilus ( and of corse NO sugary treats)
I do not know what feed you were using before the switch, but I would stay away from Mazuri. It's vitamin A level makes me nervous. I understand that the actual vitamin requirements for chinchilla’s is currently not established,but many animal dietitians believe that 12000 IU/KG is what chins need. Too much vitamin A leads to anorexia and liver damage.
Just to compare vitamin A levels in some feeds
Mazuri 35,200 IU/KG WHOPPING!
Tradition 3000 IU/LB(about 6000 IU/KG)
APD 4000 IU/LB (about 8000 IU/KG)
PARN 4800 iu/lb (about 10 000 iu/kg)
OXBOW 20 000 IU/kg. I talked to Oxbow consulting nutritionist about this and she says "that while perhaps higher than the (as yet unknown) actual requirements for the chinchilla, the level is not considered excessive". She says that the vitamin requirements for chinchilla are typically compared to guinea pigs. Vitamin A level for guinea pigs is 24 000 IU/kg, that's why they went with 20 000.
I know that Vitamin A degrades quickly in storage, but we chin people feed pellets within 6 months from mill date to make sure it has not lost nutritional value.
Sorry if it's too long, just wanted to share some thoughts.
Fingers crossed for your chin's recovery!
Keep us updated!
Thanks for all the food info! She was on Tradition but we were having weight loss issues with it and my other chin so we have them all on Oxbow. she does get Alfalfa once a week and hates rosehips. She will eat hibiscus (sp) on occasion.

I give her Lifeline each day right now too, to make sure she is keeping the weight she has and doesnt lose even more. I will keep ya updated :)
Gabby is home, and it is not her teeth! They took blood work and a stool sample, and that will be back tomorrow. She is home, and relaxing.
I also hope that tests will help to solve the problem.
Fingers and paws are crossed here.
I sure hope the vet can come up with a reason for Gabby's weight loss. It's frustrating to have some issue that can't be explained. Even in saying that, though, I hope the bloodwork doesn't show anything bad. Good luck Gabby!
Ok, well the vet called. The bloodwork and fecal are fine. He said her AST liver enzyme was slightly high but that is from the weight loss etc. So. He said that he called another Exotics Specialist, and they think maybe she has jaw pain. So he wants me to give her Metacam to see if this helps or encourages eating. If it does, we know it is something with the jaw/teeth. He did take a good look yesterday morning at her teeth and such and there was no points, so maybe just TMJ or Arthritis, since we really do not have an age on her.

Anyway, i will be getting the Metacam later, and he said to give her the Lifeline or CC as a supplement each day in addition to her food, to encourage weight gain. I told him the Lifeline would work just fine that that CC does not add weight.

If this doesnt help, then we need to take her to University of Penn to see a specialist.
No she is actually still losing weight, which was the first indicator something was wrong.
I am going to Univ. Of Penn Vets for a second opionion and better x rays if I can.

i love my vet, but I think they are wrong about the teethm so we shall see.
Sadly, it is bad news. Her roots on the bottom have basically grown past her jaw, and we have a few options.

Ultimatly she will need to be put to rest.

1) Put her down

2) Continute hand feeding (she has been gaining weight apparently with that) and they gave me a higher dose Metacam and said she can be on it long term but will need labs every 2 months.

She has no real points or anything above the gum line, it is all below that is the issue and she said she didnt need better x rays to tell her about this. So I loved this vet, she was sooo nice and VERY well versed in chins. So for now, Gabby is home and we will do the meds and hand feeding. Until she lets me know she is ready to go.
So sad.....Poor Gabby
She knows how hard you tried and how much you love her.