Further proof people in CA are nuts!

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So sad, it's not like they didn't know where they came from. They were just looking for a rug. In any event, the animals should be returned to Hearst Castle and the trigger happy ranchers should not benefit from their stupidity and greediness.
As long as we are a nation of gun loving idiots this will keep happening. I thought Californians were animal loving people? I could imagine this happening in Tx but not Cali :(
I've seen them at Hearst Castle. They really are neat to see up close. I agree Meanie. They need to go back to their owners.
I saw this on Yahoo news. How sad. I really dislike people who shoot things just to shoot them for trophy or show. There was no reason those zebras should have been shot.
Shooting a zebra is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard. I can only imagine how manky that ranchers home looks.
Shooting a zebra is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard. I can only imagine how manky that ranchers home looks.

Oy! :neener:

I think it's sad, poor zebras. :( On another note, it's not just nutcases in CA, I personally know a few in WI :p
you see a zebra (or 3) and your first thought is to kill them??? I don't understand that thinking at all! It isn't like they are a lion, or something more dangerous... I would shoot them with my camera, and then call authorities.
Even if the zebras spooked the horses, it's not like they would've attacked them. I mean I understand if it was a coyote or something like that, but a zebra? He had to have known where they came from.
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you see a zebra (or 3) and your first thought is to kill them??? I don't understand that thinking at all! It isn't like they are a lion, or something more dangerous... I would shoot them with my camera, and then call authorities.

That's exactly what I thought when I read the first post!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE! I mean c'mon EVERYONE knows zebras are not a predator, but prey! Dumb! I think we should corral the shooter and teach him a lesson...idiot!
Ok Dawn. That made me cry. Has OPD not had enough of mindless shooting?
Not sure what's wrong with the rest of you, but I, for one, feel much safer now that those zebras are off the streets. Thank goodness for those ranchers and their quick thinking!
OMG Mel! Who broke you?!?
mmm... was being completely facetious.

Can't actually imagine a zebra as a "predator" that one would need to kill. I actually think the ranchers have a screw loose (at minimum). To me, the situation is incomprehensible... like were they really thinking "Oh no!!! The zebras are loose! Must protect my livestock!" Unless I've completely misunderstood every PBS show on zebras I've ever seen, I can't imagine that being the case.
Dawn, that story was heartbreaking. There has actually been a lot of police vs dog shootings lately. A sweet newfie in Washington was just gunned down recently. Oakland is one of the very few police stations that has implemented change due to this type of shooting and public outcry. Last I heard, it is required all the officers take a course on understanding dog behavior.