Fur chewing?

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Feb 1, 2009
San Antonio
Ok, I tried searching, but I must be forumly challenged, I didn't get anything. So, here's the question? Does anyone have any pics of furchewing aftermath? I ask because Shadow has a shaved patch on his back, and I think he's started chewing:thinking:...Or he's scraping it on something and breaking the fur (but I thought it would just slip out not look shaved). He had a very nice coat for a while, and it's just been slowly getting messy:tissue:. I've heard about his suspected siblings being angry and chewers, so now I'm worried. I'll try to get a pic, but would also like to see others so I know for sure what I'm looking for. Thanks~
If it looks "shaved" but doesn't show signs on fur slippage I'd bet it's chewing. A pic would make it easier to tell thoug :thinking:
ok, he is really fast when he wants to be. But this is what I got. And a Moche pic. :)


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  • puffy moche.jpg
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I think I have chin that's starting to chew also. I came home to her and she had a kinda matted patch on her side but I couldn't find anything wet in the cage. And since then there are areas that used to be grey and look shorter now and a bit white. I've also caught her with little handfuls of her own fur. Silly chin. Maybe the same problem?
Ok, that's what I thought. Hmmm...he didn't start till after I got the babies so I may just need to seperate the cages a bit more. Looks like I'll be spending my spring break re arranging furniture. So much for lazing about drinking faux-tini's. (I don't drink ;) ) Thanks guys/girls!!!!
It doesn't look like chewing to me. Is there any way you can get better pictures?

Chewing removes the tip of the hair, yours doesn't have any defining lines or clearly lost hair tips.

I've seen a couple of cases where chins will be running around excited by new arrivals, hit a ledge or house corner wrong and drop a chunk of hair like that.

Not to mention it is an odd place to 'start' chewing. They almost always start low on the hips, chest or hind legs. They can not easily chew the center of their back and will leave a mohawk. If it is a cage buddy chewing them it'll generally be mid level on the hips or in the center of the back.

Some pictures of a mohawk chewer and chewed by someone else.
Yeah, I will admit that that is kind of weird looking and not like the fur chewing I've seen. Although I've only seen it on a small patch. But is the fur missing in those areas or is it coming out in clumps and has some still coming off, like can you pull on clumps of fur and they come off like it's shedding?
It's not coming off or anything. It kinda just sticks up on it's own. It feels fried or frayed almost. Maybe it's a combo of him chewing himself and Moche helping out? He does squeeze through some tighty places and loves to climb between the wall and the cage. (I call it matrix soft) He squishes down pretty well. Maybe he's getting it caught on the hardware for the shelves.
Is it possible another chin may have pulled the fur out? To me it looks like it was pulled out by a chin. Only time I have seen fur similar to that was when two chins got in a fight or one of them pulled the other's fur out.

It does not look like fur chewing at all to me. Fur chewing looks like someone went at it with scissors usually. It doesn't look like fungus, as it appears (unless I am just not seeing it well?) there is no absolutely bald spots(like completely bald.).
Missy had a spot that looked like that after I tried to intro her to Pebbles. Pebbles pulled out a big chunk of fur before I could separate them.
This is very odd. I don't see it as typical fur chewing either, it is just too even. Maybe he is an OCD chewer and likes his fur even? Lol
He is a little strange. He came from a, how should I say this, a breeder that didn't spend the quality of time with her chins as she should have:hair:. He was INCREDIBLY shy. He ran and hid for the first few months that I had him. He still squeaks when I try to pick him up, but it is so much better. It took a year befoer he'd let me hold him with out struggling to get away. Poor baby.

He also likes to squish out the "windows" of his house. They are Chin shaped cut outs and his fur would rub in those areas, :thinking:I'll pull the house out later and see if there is any fur sticking in the corners of the windows or anything.