Fur bear

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I have put them in the freezer and contacted someone who can do it. You have to wrap them in newspaper and then plastic bag. But I have been told it is much easier done fresher but can be done.
Found this lady: http://bearluvrcreations.com/orphanage/ she seems to do a fairly good job; I like her bears better then one in the OP, and she'll do custom orders.

That lady does an awesome job. Linda Clark has a quilt made of hers - they each have a square with a description and the pelt on it. It's very nice.

If I have any die in decent condition I'll pelt them out and make something out of them. Normally by the time I get done fighting to save them there just isn't much left. For those that haven't pelted, pelting an emaciated or sick chin that has had health issues is extremely difficult, you end up tearing the crap out of the skin and it just isn't worth it. Also, if you aren't willing to do it yourself there are a few ranchers that will do frozen ones but they don't like to (yuck).
AHHHHH. I was just there about 15 min ago to see if he was still available. I went to check my bank account to see how much spare change I had, went back to buy him and the listing is now gone. :( That so sucks. My fault for waiting so long, but still sucks.
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That stuffed animal is cute, but no way in **** I'd pay $200.00 plus for it. Sucker better walk, talk, and wash my floors.

I think the first bear is much more attractive than the ones on the link Dotty provided. They are okay, but they just look like any you can find in a regular store. Not that almost all stuffies aren't cute as heck, I just think the one that the OP listed, which apparently has found a new home, is much cuter. :)
The listing is no longer there, which means it got removed, not that someone bought it. If someone bought it you would still be able to see it.

So I don't know if the seller decided to take it down or what..

ETA: I searched google cached for pictures and found this, it's the second bear that says genuine chinchilla. Although you can't click on it since the listing was removed

And, for those that were interested, here's the shop that it was in. Perhaps you could contact her and see if she still was selling it or had any others
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I contacted her on Ebay and she said she had someone interested in it, which is why she removed it (in case someone else bought it while she was still talking to the person interested). She said that she would contact me if the sale fell through, so here's hoping the sale falls through. :p

She said she would not be making another chinchilla bear as she only has a tiny piece of fur left from the vintage collar she used to make him. She said she would possibly be making a mink version soon with some small chinchilla accents (to use the small piece of fur she has left).
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Ok...I'm sorry, Crysta...but that thing standing and looking up absolutely terrifies me, lol. The face is adorable though...just the whole thing together scares me!

I pelt my chinchillas that die of natural causes and the pelts are in the freezer. I need to send them to Sullivan fur dressing to have them processed soon.
So you can make me a fur bear? Kidding!

And I agree, to an extent that he is a tinge creepy, but that face! I don't know what draws me to it so much. Maybe that is used to be a creepy ol' coat, and is now a really cute teddy bear? Could be. :D

I think I also want him because people always ask me what a chinchilla feels like. Half those people I wouldn't want touching my real chins, so this way I can just let them pet the bear. Or maybe that's just an excuse. :p
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Although I think its good that it's made out of fur from old fur garments, rather than new pelts, I would still find it extremely creepy to have. It would bother me that it's made out of skin and hair from someone who has died...

I would never want to remember anyone by having a piece of them in my room...person or animal.