Funny Training Behavior

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2018
Yesterday, my chin named Squeak, exhibited a funny but cute behavior during our training session. Let me set the table. Squeak unlike her sister, Pip, has a rather narrow rat looking face and beadier eyes. LOL. She also has slightly longer paws than her sibling. For a few weeks, I was watching a YouTube video on how to train a chin using a "target" stick/wand. After tapping the stick to get her attention, I had Squeak point with her nose and follow the wand in certain directions while standing on her hind legs. I then rewarded her for her correct efforts with some oats. She normally takes the reward in her mouth and then handles it in her long paws. On the most recent training session I didn't use treats as a reward but just used my voice and pet her head. She instinctively tried to reach out for a treat (that wasn't there) and motioned it to her mouth about three times. It was almost as if she was saying "where's my treat"? After the next task, she gave me the meanest rat face while motioning her paw three times again for her treat. The longer I withheld giving her the treat, the more frantic her paw motion became. I eventually gave it to her but I didn't want her to be dependent on treats during our training sessions. I'll never forget that mean rat face though!!! LOL the funniest incident seemed to be the way she balled up her paw into a fist as a final gesture to end our session!!! Anyone ever have this result with your chins??? LOL
Oh my gosh that is adorable!. Chins are very smart and know when they should be given a treat. My Roo just starting sniffing and nibbling fingers looking for it after the trick.