It's okay to get frustrated just remember he's only got you for his attention. I also only have 1 chinchilla & he's 12yrs old now. When they're by themselves they need a lot more physical & verbal attention. I say good morning & good night to him every day. He loves it & looks forward to those moments. I talk to him every time I'm in the room (except for afternoons) & hold him once a day. It sounds like he really does enjoy seeing you but chin's don't express themselves like other animals. Remember by nature they're independent & intelligent animals. You can train the chin easily it just takes some time & patience. My chin responds to his name even when running, we play peek a boo while he's out, he hops into my hands to be let out of his cage and a few more fun ones.How did you train him to accept treats or being held?
Also I appreciate you wanting to give him variety in the surrounding but outside just isn't safe. Maybe try letting him run in different rooms that you've proofed for him. That could provide the variety. Also giving him a new chew toy every week can also provide some variety. Chins strive on routine & look forward to patterns in our behavior. Hope this helps some.
Thanks! How I've been training him is I'll stick the treat (raisin) in between my teeth and entice him into my hands. Once he is in my hands, I put my other hand on his back and hold him then he takes the treat from my teeth. He is used to it now. Lately I've been giving him new toys each week which has been keeping him busy.