For those that use the Bass Pans....

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Active member
Aug 23, 2010
West Palm Beach, FL
Hi! My name is Lynn. I don't currently own any Chinchillas but plan on correcting that soon. Right now I just want to research and stock up on what I'll need before getting one. My question is...Do you have to spray the Bass Pans for Chinchillas like you do rats?(these are what I currently own) If you do, which one is safe to use. My rats are litter train so I don't have Bass Pans, but thinking of getting them to modify the Critter Nation I currently own. Also what depth do most people get?

I just bought Bass Pans for 2 FN142 cages. The deepest they make them is 3 inches. I use pine shavings and would definitely say get the 3 inch depth. I wish they could make them deeper.
Yeah I found that out when I called. I went ahead and ordered it. I know with rats you have to spray paint the galvanized steel so the urine doesn't ruin it or rust it, plus it'll start to smell after some time, but was wondering if that also applies to chins?
I only use a pan on the lower level of my FN and use a fleece liner on the top over the plastic piece that came with the cage. I use a liner on the bottom as well and have a potty box one each level. Both are bass pans that I wash every other day with vinegar and so far no problems. I know that some people use pyrex dishes for potty boxes as well. Edgar did go on the liner a few times before starting to use the potty boxes exclusively.