For smhufflepuff - from Tylda

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2009
Mom told us that you were going through something called hedgehog withdrawal. I told her we have too many here, and told her we could send you Ollie. She said Ollie has problems and that wouldn't be fair to you. So I guess he has to stay here...

But. I don't like him. Mom spends time with him that she could be spending with me. I sit in my cage hiding under my blankie, peaking out at her, and sometimes I watch them from my fleece tube. If she leaves my sight with him, I try to look to see what she is doing. Sometimes I do 'naughty' things like burrow under my liner or bang my water bowl when he is with her to try to get mom's attention. Or I sit and watch with a sad face (see attached image).

I even tried to bite him once.

Mom put him in a snuggle bag on the bed while I was on dad's lap. I jumped off of dad's lap and ran over to Ollie's bag, and tried to bite him through the bag.

So I guess I will have to put up with him for a while longer. In the mean time I'll try to convince mom to post more images of me. I'm pretty. She should post more images of me .


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Dear Tylda,

Thank you for the offer of your adopted brother. It does sound like Ollie has been through a lot and needs your mommie very much. I am sorry he cuts into your special mommie and Tylda time. That is a very sad face!

Yes, you are pretty. You're right; your mommie should post many images of you.
Smhuffle, I would LOVE to post more pictures for you to help in withdrawal, and I have a lot on my phone, but my computer LITERALLY went up in smoke the other day. I have some of cuddlin with Mace that would melt your heart. When I get a computer I'll post them just for you.

Tylda, you are quite the pretty thing. You should strut your stuff!

I will post some pictures of our new baby girl. She is just over 6 weeks old. The picture taken with her siblings was at 5 weeks old. Her name is Eulalia.
Here she is!!!


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Eulalia looks soo much like my Mace! She's even got the white "racing stripes" on he tooshie! She's adorable, I love her sweet baby face. :)
Mom just doesn't understand, she insists that she needs to spend time with him. Mom even took pictures of him! I sneaked onto her computer and found them. See look, here is a cute foot, and one of him! - Tylda


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Goodness! What an adorable little hedgie trio! Eulalia is certainly a cutie.

Tylda, that is a cute foot... it looks like it's attached to a bit of a prickleball. Is Ollie still scared a lot of the time?
I know when mom opens his cage, she's very sneaky and I don't hear the door open, but I do hear him when he starts to huff and puff. He doesn't curl up in a ball to much anymore though, He's not scared prickly anymore. He's quite offensive and uses his quills to attack mom. He sees her skin and charges at her and throws himself sideways at her poking her with his quills! She confuses him though, as she doesn't react and he looks up at her to see why no. He does settle down and mom has seen his tail and back legs stick out when he's in the snuggle bag though. We think he likes it here, but he doesn't want mom to know that.

He is starting to quill again. He's been on this really yummy stuff. Its called Sunshine Factor and he likes it (I do too but mom says I don't need it hrmph). He's been on it for a bit now and mom thinks she may be seeing some improvement in his skin, we saw some new quills poking through but mom hasn't found any of those tiny baby-like quills being shed yet though.

He is getting better though. He uncurls for mom a bit faster, he even has learned that if she rolls him onto his back and if he shows her his legs, like I do, he quickly gets to go back to his cage in the morning. I like that as then mom can pay more attention to me!

Kalandra, I'm just curious, why is Ollie so prickly? Is he a rescue from a really horrible home that you are rehabilitating? I have been thinking about when I'm done with school after summer that I'd like to be a rescue mommy. I haven't really looked into it, so I'm curious. I'm sure it takes a lot of patience. Speaking of patience, I was absolutely beyond thrilled last night when I took Khaki out. Normally she's huffy when I touch her, but she laid down on my chest, her quills were down, she laid her head down on me and let me pet her. She huffed when daddy moved, but she doesn't love him as much as me. I was so excited. She's been so much better now that she's not sick. She still is a little more bald on her back, but nothing too bad. Thank you for the help with all that.
Dear Smhufflepuff,

If you are interested in chinchillas please let me know. I've been trying to get rid of those girls my mom brought home. I liked being an only child. Mom does play with me as much as she used to. I don't like sharing my mommy.

Kalandra, I'm just curious, why is Ollie so prickly? Is he a rescue from a really horrible home that you are rehabilitating?.

Yep, he's a rescue. His previous owner gave him to me because Ollie has always been a very defensive hedgehog. He was hoping that I could help break through to him. The fact that there is an image with even part of his face in it is wonderful. When he came here he wouldn't uncurl and wouldn't stop clicking at me. Now he almost immediately uncurls and instead of clicking, he just charges at me with his quills. It may sound unpleasant, but I actually just smile, its improvement! He does like his snuggle time in his bag. In fact he really does relax and he will sprawl out with his legs and tail out when in a bag. So I think we are making real progress, but we have a long road a head of us.


I feel your pain. These moms just don't understand what we are going through.

Tylda - Wow... Ollie is quilling again? That's a lot of quills for a hedgieboy to lose. I am glad they are growing back in! Maybe they will stay this time. Satin and Tex liked the Sunshine Factor too. They thought it was very yummy.

You'll have to tell you mom to post more pics of you... your quills are very pretty.

Shelly - Thank you for the idea of sending your adopted siblings to me. It sounds like your mommy would miss them very much though if that happened, so I won't be able to take you up on that offer.
That does sound like progress Kalandra. I get excited with the small things I get from Khaki too. But, seems like compared to Ollie, she's a sweetheart. She only sometimes clicks and charges at me, and she will cuddle and love on me when she's in the mood. What is this sunshine factor you guys are talking about??
Sunshine factor is a nutritional supplement that I'm trying out. Others have used it, but I haven't and thought Ollie's skin and quill issues may benefit from it. It is still too early for me to give an opinion on how well it works yet. We are only 3 weeks into its usage.

I have a couple of cute images on my camera for ya. Tylda was laying under her blanket with her head and only 1 front leg in her fleece tube. She was watching me as I was working on Ollie's nails, which do seem to be getting thicker and not breaking like they were... maybe the sunshine factor is working. I'll try to download them tonight and show you. She looked so cozy, relaxed and sooo adorable that I set Ollie down (which he was very happy about) and got the camera. Looks like she has me trained on how to get my attention away from Ollie afterall!

I also have a great one of Ollie. After he had his nails done, he was standing looking around in his cage. While his quills are up, he almost looks like a hedgehog instead of a prickly ball.
Ok I stole the computer back from mom.

Here I was laying in my cage watching her hold him. Then she saw me in all my cuteness and took the first image I'm attaching below of me. I was certain she was done with him so kept looking back at her and being cute. Then she went to finish stealing his nails and afterwards noticed Ollie had come out of his bag and was pretending to be a normal hedgehog in his cage! He stole her attention back and she even started taking images of him. I have evidence, see image 2.

Well after that I gave up and decided to sleep (image 3).


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Well tonight she got it in her head that she was going to take images of Tula. Tula is quiet, she also is very adamant that she should be in a snuggle bag and not out exposed. She says that she’s tiny and hiding is good. So mom tried to get some images. Tula wouldn’t hold still long, but see how long her little legs are? (image 1) She’s under half my size! Well mom tricked her into holding still for a minute, by throwing a mealworm into her path (image 2). This mom is tricky.

Well I got to come back out and I could smell where Tula was and where the mealie was. (image 3) Finally this mom got her act together and gave me mine too.

Hey what is this? Mom! You took pictures of him after you put me in my snuggle bag! (image 4) *Mom note: it’s a face!*

I best be off, I need to go deal with this mom again.



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