foot looks like he has been biting it

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My poor baby who has been recovering from being neutered and has just has non stop problems since the surgery. Now, it looks like he has been knawing at his hind feet. What could be causing him to do so? He hads been making noises, only at night the last three nights, that sound like he is in pain or being attacked. It only last for about 5 seconds then he stops. He does it about 3 times a night. Thank you for any help
Is he chewing it raw? As in is he chewing the fur off and it's all red? Or are you sure he's not chewing at the area where he got neutered?
I thought it looked worse yesterday, today it just is a bit swollen and red. I am going to the vet, so maybe they can do something. His neutering was the begining of march, they did give him pain meds, and antibiotics (if needed), then ended up on constipation meds and gas meds. Also being hand feed every 30 mins. I ended up getting a new vet. It has been problem after problem after the neutering. My poor boy. Now he wants nothing to do with his "wife" or his kit. He will not let me hold him anymore, and he started biting. He was such a lover before this. He would snuggle up under my chin and watch tv, or get on the computer with me, now he hates me.
If he is chewing on his feet, there may be nerve damage or some sort of other problem. I would find another vet asap- do you still have him on pain medication? What? Is he still on antibiotics? How is his poo and urine, and eating and drinking?
Aww poor baby. Sounds like he's in pain. Maybe they need to up his dosing. I would definately find a new vet and get to the bottom of this. Good luck
Thanks all! He is doing good. No nerve damage, but do not know what caused it. He hasnt done it since sunday night. He is acting himself again. No he wasnt on pain medication anymore. It had been about 6 weeks after his neutering that he started doing this. The only thing that I did different was switch to pine shelves that day. Just thought I would update
Did you end up taking him to another vet to get his leg issues looked at?
He might seem ok now but it could be a bigger issue and may pop up again later. I'm glad he seems normal now though!