Food Issue....big one.

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I am sure there are breeders in CO. Alot of breeders make their own feed and you can usually buy from them. If I were you I would contact a breeder and ask if they have feed for sale.
Just a thought.
I have to admit, more than anything, how did you not know you were out of food? If you feed the chins everyday, how would you not see that you were running low?
We take it out of the bag and put into a plastic box. I just realized that's Sirs chinchillas in Greeley sells pellets. I didn't know that. I'm going to e-mail them and see if we can pick some up ASAP.
I'm just now seeing this...

Mikayla, here's a link to a Colorado ECBC member located in Greeley:

I don't know where in NE CO you are, but John and Diana Suhr sell quality chinchilla pellets and are very nice. Just tell them that Lynn referred you. You should also plan to come to our next meeting in January...we'd love to meet you. John will have details.

ETA: Did a quick reply before reading complete thread...sorry.
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No, it's fine, thank you Lynn, I met them in October, and they were very nice people. I think we are going to try to call them tomorrow, and see when we can come and get some. :] Hopefully when I can come too. :D

Thanks :]

Also, Lynn, we're in Fort Morgan. Not far from Greeley.
Bad choice of words there, sorry. We were planning on calling for sure. We picked up a 50 pound bag of food today, and I got to see his set up for his chins and everything. It was really cool :] I also got to HOLD one of the chinchilla bears. So soft! Sorry, I enjoyed it. We got a 50 pound bag of food and dust. :] Everything is totally worked out now.