Fleece absorbance?

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Ok so my chin is a chronic wood shelf pee'er and it bugs me. Im gonna make liners for the shelves, i was wondering if 2 layers of fleece would be enough to absorb it so it will not get on the wood, or should i do 3? or should i use another material on the inside?

And all fleece they have at Jo Ann's works right?
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fleece acts a quick or wick (which ever you call it) to move the urine away, you will need something to absorb it in the middle
If your chin is peeing on them they will begin to smell fairly quickly and even with the fleece it will soak through to the wood. I would just have the ledge or shelf at a slight angle so the urine just runs off and then wipe them off when you take the chin out to play.
My liners are only 2 layers of fleece and I have to change them about twice per week. I only have one chin per cage using them though..except for my 2 baby boys that are together.
I cut up old towels to the right size and sewed them between two layers of fleece. They work great to absorb the urine. You will need to wash them every few days to avoid a smell, so you might want to make a few to easily rotate.
Maybe remove that shelf (if possibLe) and get a new one positioned (moved) a little differently. Maybe he's doing habit area peeing. I'm saying something different than every one else here and "sorry"; but, i'm thinking maybe even a small potty bowl (fill with aspen wood or carefresh) and put somewhere--move it, if you have to--but, get him going in the potty bowl. That's how i started mine and now they are doing the washable pad i put in the corner. I don't think covering the shelves is the answer and what a hassle. Really pay attention to where he's wanting to go and try to get that potty bowl there for him to go. Put some of his pee in it and poo. With the carefresh you can wipe the urine up with it and put in bowl. Hope i'm not making it "more" difficult for you...Good luck!
Maybe remove that shelf (if possibLe) and get a new one positioned (moved) a little differently. Maybe he's doing habit area peeing. I'm saying something different than every one else here and "sorry"; but, i'm thinking maybe even a small potty bowl (fill with aspen wood or carefresh) and put somewhere--move it, if you have to--but, get him going in the potty bowl. That's how i started mine and now they are doing the washable pad i put in the corner. I don't think covering the shelves is the answer and what a hassle. Really pay attention to where he's wanting to go and try to get that potty bowl there for him to go. Put some of his pee in it and poo. With the carefresh you can wipe the urine up with it and put in bowl. Hope i'm not making it "more" difficult for you...Good luck!

Could you even cut the top part off your shelf he is peeing on and put it inside of a pan with the care fresh ect... to pee on? That way he will smell his pee and know he can pee there and it may help him to start using the potty box AND there would be that wood in the potty box that he loves to pee on so much? Then you can eventually remove the piece of wood and he will use the box without it? (I would replace the wood shelves he is peeing on or clean them very well no pee smell will help with the process).

I do this with the dogs. If they are peeing on something or somewhere I will put potty pads in that area and keep a piece of material they are peeing on in that spot. (then I slowly potty train them to do it outside but of course that has no bearing on what we are talking about the your chin lol).

Best of luck! :thumbsup:
That might work. But, then that's putting an object in the potty bowl. I think just wiping some pee with the carefresh and putting in bowl. The thing is they want to pee in their spot. They like to have control!hehe
I am wanting to make a fleece liner for my cage. Please let me know if I am doing this right..

Buy a cheap $3 towel from Walmart and put it between two pieces of fleece and sew it all together.

Is this a good way to do it? Do I even need the towel?
You do not need the towel. I have found that 2-3layers of fleece works just fine, though I've heard of some that do the towel for extra absorbancy. It's up to you.
Alright thanks.. I haven't decided if I"m going to use a towel or not but I'll be going to the fabric store tomorrow. I've never been so I guess I will find out how they sell it lol.. I assume it's by the yard..
I use quilted batting in between the fleece. I find that if there isn't a layer for absorbency, there tends to be some moist areas that collect on the pan.