
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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New member
Nov 18, 2010
Just found out my cats have fleas. Not sure if the hedges have them or not. Is there something I can use in case they do?
I don't know much about fleas & hedgies. I do know about mites & hedgies though. In cases of mites, Revolution (cat version) is recommended. A quick google search shows that Revolution will take care of fleas, so my thought is that, if hedgie does get fleas, then Revolution is the way to go.. one or two drops between the shoulders. Where I'm uncertain is in knowing the likely transmission of fleas from cat to hedgie...
We really don't hear about pet hedgehogs getting fleas that often. If you read about wild hedgehogs you will find lots of information about them, as the poor wild ones seem to often be infested with them. But our pets seem to do quite well.

They can get fleas, and if you have a bad outbreak in your house, you will likely find them on your hedgehog eventually. I've seen a number of items used over the years, including kitten flea shampoo. I think if I had the experience I would talk to my vet about getting some Revolution though. The shampoos for fleas, while they may be safe, often are overly scented and can dry the skin.
Fleas like warm, dark areas of the body. They are also generally visible to the naked eye. Keep your cats isolated from the hedgies and keep an eye on your hogs (checking their bellies). Generally you shouldn't need to treat the hogs if you are treating the cats and are keeping them separate (we jsut went through this). If you do find fleas on the hogs, Revolution is best.