First Chinchilla Christmas! Ideas?

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2012
This will be my first christmas with my chins. So I made them both mini chin-sized stockings! However, I'm clueless of what to put in it! I know this might be a silly question but...Any ideas?
Pippin will be turning 5 months in about a week...I figured it might be great to give him his very first treat for his present. Think it's okay to give him a treat a few days early from his actual 'checkpoint'?
Merry is still 3 months, so the treat idea is way off for him...What kind of things are special for a chinchilla?

(Planning on posting some pictures soon...Once I can figure out how...)

Thanks! :)
Sticks! My chin loves apple sticks. She'll chew other kinds, but so far apple has been her favorite.