First Babies of the year...

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Dot lives forever!
Jan 29, 2009
Found a litter of quads last night. Sadly, it wasn't a good site.

Mom has one live standard baby. Didn't check the sex on it yet.

Mom also delievered 3 beige, possibly brown velvets(I think two may have been, they were fairly darkly veiled). Out of the three one was ripped in half , and his head was hanging on by a thread... The other two were dead, looked trampled. Not sure what happened, either mom killed three and let one live or she had trouble with the one ripped apart, and trampled the others trying to get him out.

I was looking foreward to this litter- Mom is a huge, stunning brown velvet. Dad is a nice standard--I have a beige from a previous litter who is turning out very, very nicely. Was hoping for a brown velvet female to keep for myself.
Sorry to hear about the three that didn't make it Megs. :( Good luck with the last one.
Aww how sad. Poor babies....poor mama too....she must of had a terrible time....hopefully the one makes it.....its so sad when they loose "all" their babies and they know it.....they look and look for them. They look at you like "where's my baby" its sooo sad....
I hope the last one survives....good luck
Megan I am sorry about the kits...doesn't it suck sooo much how these things always happen with the litters we want the most
Megs...I am sorry about losing those little kits. The one survivor has to make it. I never have good luck with quads...unless, of course, the rescue mama comes here that case, all of them survive! Now, when I put together the perfect male and female and then wait for a litter for two years it never is nearly as successful. That's just how it goes... :( My luck is just as bad as yours...I know that won't make you feel much better. :p
Standard is a GIRL.

On another note, had trips born yesterday morning. 1 standard male, 2 standard females.
I'm so sorry to hear about your loss hun, but congratulations on the three standards. I never caught the mutation bug myself, I LOVE me some standards. Have any pics?
I am horrible with pictures.. I'll try and get some thursday when I'm doing cages.

Trips seem to be doing good. They are a feisty bunch, so i'm hoping all will make it. Mom raised twins no problem last litter, so hoping three will be ok. Mom and Dad are both standards---I kept back the female from the last litter and she's looking nice so i'm quite excited for these.

Standard from the first litter is doing great--getting big already :).