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I keep my girls separate because they do not get along. Today Talia was sitting in her cage with her paws on the cage bars as usual when Tinker (Who was out for play time) grabbed Talia's paw with her mouth so hard that she now has a nub for a finger =[ I was terrified of her bleeding to death, but after doing some reading realized this is quite common. She is acting perfectly fine, using her hands and everything. She even went running on her wheel just minutes after the attack! I was wondering if anyone had any tips on cleaning her paw. She hurt it once before and allowed me to clean it, but this time she refused. Im afraid to struggle with her because it makes her bleed more, but i cannot even see the wound through all the blood. Also i have read of some annti bacterial stuff that is safe for chinchillas and was wondering where to buy it. Do most pet stores have it? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! thank you!