Fighting & Separation Questions

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Be sorry if you don't ask the question. ;0)

Personnally I would give Snicky the new pads with maybe something he enjoyed from the other. This way he dosen't have to much of Oreo's scent and at the same time gets comfort out of what he liked.

Does it really matter or not I don't know, that's just me.
I had a quad that I separated into pairs not all that long ago. They had a huge cage, actually they had access to two cages by way of a tunnel and a Chin Spin and a Saucer and toys galore so there should have been no issue but apparently there was.

Checked on the boys like I do every morning and I noticed there was a lot of fluff around both cages and Pip was all by himself way high up on a ledge and he looked freaked out. I tried to give them playtime together to see if they could work things out but Oscar just kept lunging at Pip so I decided to block off the tunnel to the two cages and keep them in pairs instead and that worked out perfect until Pip's cage mate died unexpectedly.

I just happened to have a single boy Zeke who I introduced to Pip and they hit it off really well and are still together today. Just b/c things don't work out with a certain pair doesn't mean they won't work out with a different one.

I'd keep those two boys separated and perhaps try another introduction with a different chin down the road.

The boy (Oscar) that was squabbling with Pip is now quite interested in my newer boy Carlos. He spends most of his playtime hanging around his cage and 'talking' to him and then when Carlos is out, he spends time checking out Oscar & Max. I don't really want to do another trio/quad thing but I do think they could very well come out and play together but I'm not quite there yet.
You can usually tell if you see the fight if it is a squabble or a fight. Even with my colonies if I see a fight or blood is drawn they are separated.
Shel, this is what happened with Mick and Wesley. I would see some of Mick's fur in the cage and just think he was slipping it from running around. I never noticed any blood in Mick's fur but I had started to see bites on his ears from Wesley. What happens with Mick and Wesley is this: I truly believe Mick might be mentally ill as he has some horrible OCD habits of repeating the same pattern over and over throughout the cage. This annoys Wesley--then Wesley starts to chase after Mick when Mick starts running around the cage and the chasing escalates. Someone is always home with the boys. The minute chasing starts they are both separated. For right now during the day and most of the evening they snuggle and are inseparable. But when the chasing starts I know it could lead to something serious so they are separated. I'm getting a temp cage to put Mick in this weekend and then will be getting a bigger cage to move into my room, where most likely he and Wesley will be but will separated and only have a few hours together and playtime. I just can't chance anything happening to either of them.
i got home and snickers does seem happy to be alone. it seems like he is just saying
"aaaahhhhhhh finally a cage all to myself!". lol they can see eachother from the cages they are in and it appears they are spending some time "watching".
I did take the hammock out of oreos cage and gave it to snickers and he seems to like where i put it. the only thing i dont really have for him is a house, but he didnt use his old house except to sit on top of it. i do have an empty dustbath in there so he at least has a place to "hide". i havent seen him nibble on the plastic so until i do i will keep it in there until we can build the house this weekend.

so are keeping them separated except for supervised time and playtime?? i may be able to handle that. joint playtime at least would be nice.

I am going to see how they do this weekend, I am going to put them together for a few minutes while i sit there and watch like a hawk.........just to see if they can even handle joint playtime or anytime together. and if i put them together and snickers is still afraid than i know for sure they are done.

i am hoping the rescue pair i got stays together! since they were "bonded" since a younger age, i hope that is in their favor.
Michelle, yes they are still together for periods of time. During the day when they are both sleepy and I am in the room with them they are together where they snuggle and sleep together. Basically as soon as one of them starts up with the chasing they are immediately separated. I haven't seen anymore fighting at all. No bites have occurred on either of them, but we are also with them constantly. When we are not they are separated--bed time for us and if we are not home (which is rare LOL!) I'm trying to rearrange my room so that I can still have book shelves and fit another FN in there. Because yes, I do want to have it all!
I did take the hammock out of oreos cage and gave it to snickers and he seems to like where i put it. the only thing i dont really have for him is a house, but he didnt use his old house except to sit on top of it.

suggestion, you can put another hammock on top of the one you have now.

Take 2/3 ends and attach them at the same level of the one in there and the other 1/2 attached a level higher up and you will have a house.
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this there a way you can divide a cage with a small spaced wire between them so they are separated up can 'talk' to one another and sort of share each other company but not risk a terrible fight. I would separate them also - too much can happen when you aren't around
thanks barb. they are separated, probably will stay that way :(
one we get 2 of the chins back to jill, we will move the 2 FN's around so that they are right next to eachother. i am still going to attempt shared playtime if it works out for them.
Michelle thank you for posting this as it helped me realize I needed to take one of my trio out of the cage. 2 of them had nightly squabbles that were first over a food dish or water bottle(with multiples already in) and then it I don't even know what it was over since they happened no where near anything in the cage including ledges or toys.

I plan to let them share playtime and tonight is the first time these girls are getting it as I think they are more used to being here now.

Good Luck with your boys.