Female with swollen breast

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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2009
Aurora, Colorado
I have a female that had a litter. The boys were weaned the end of February. 2 weeks after weaning I discovered that the female has a swollen mammary gland. When I touched it, milk came out, so I gently expressed the remaining milk. Everything seemed find until a couple of days ago when I discovered that the gland was swollen again. I did the same thing as last time and this time I got a clear yellow liquid. The liquid had no smell. So far, the swelling has not returned. She has been hopping around her cage, eating, drinking and pooping like normal.

Does anyone have an idea what this is and why it happened?
It could be mastasis, but that usually comes with swelling. It could have went down though, and because mastasis is so serious, I would get her to a vet. An antibiotic before she goes septic could save her life, as it did my favorite girl, Oreo here. Get some antibiotics and probiotics and also critical care incase she needs surgery or needs to be hand fed for any reason. Good luck, and hoping it is nothing serious.
It does sound like mastitis. You mentioned swelling, and that is a definite sign of mastitis, as well as nonmilk discharge.

She'll need antibiotics, maybe something for pain depending on how bad it is, and you'll need to do warm compresses to break up the "chunks" that may be in there and get them moved out.

Does the area feel hot at all?
It is probably mastitis which is an infection of the mammary tissue. It generally will occur when bacteria enters the area, I would assume a kit bite could introduce bacteria... or a bite or scratch on the area which comes in contact with soiled shavings.

If it is an infection, she will need to be treated with antibiotics.
Tunes, the area does not feel hot at all. The swelling is just right below the nipple and goes away completely when I express whatever is inside. It takes about 2 weeks for it to return. That's why I am a little puzzled. I will take her to the vet later today. I'll let you know what he says.
Update: I took Missy to the vet and he said that her milk is just slow to dry up. No sign of infection or injury to the area. He said to just l eave it be and it will clear up on its own. Missy is doing just fine: happily bouncing around her cage, pooping and peeing normally, and pigging out on her food.

Thanks for the advice everyone - Missy says thanks, too.
I would keep a eye on her. Is she still nursing? Mastitis could be life threatening. It's best to catch it early
Hmm.. that's kinda scary. Im glad the vet thought it was no big deal - and hopefully it isn't!!
One thing that you learn when owning chinchillas is that some vets can be wrong, so I hope your vet is right and it will clear up on it's own.

If it is just 'dry milk', did the vet say how long it would take to clear up? I know you mentioned that the swelling will return every 2 weeks - that is kind of a long time to wait to see. So did the vet say it would be quick or slow to go away?

In case of mastitis, it may be best to get another opinion from another vet. Just to be on the safe side. When you mentioned ''yellow liquid' coming out - that doesn't sound like drying up milk.

In any case - I hope she gets well soon!! Keep us updated on how she does!
No, she is not nursing at this time. Her kits were weaned at the end of February.

The vet did say to keep an eye on her and to bring her back if it continues or anything changes.

The vet said that he thought that the clear yellow liquid might be colostrum.

Today, she is happy, bouncing around her cage, eating, drinking, and no swelling.
Colostrum only comes at the begining of nursing, not at the end. It sounds to me like a infection that is just begining. I'm glad she is doing good but i would still keep a watchful eye on her.
First thing I thought to was mastitas.

Glad the vet, gave good news.
Great to hear she is jumping around and back to her self.
Update: So far the swelling has not returned and she is doing great. She is even gaining weight. I will still keep a close eye on her just to be sure.