Favorite food for your chin

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I am using Oxbow Chinchilla deluxe pellets. I started off with Mazuri but I prefer the Oxbow. I get the local pet store to order it in for me when I need it.

I prefer it because it smells fresh all the time, never had it go bad on me, never got dust mites in it, and there's not a lot of crushed pellets in the bottom of the bag. And my chins...chin eats it. :heart3:
oxbow chinchilla deluxe which reminds me i need to head to most valuable pets tomorrow to buy a new bag. i came to this conclusion because its the first food i fed Dixie and i tried a different kind of food but they wouldn't take it but instead threw most of it out of the bowl.
I have always used Kaytee complete, has anyone else used this before?
I use Mazuri and PCRS, and 3 different types of hay. I used to feed Oxbow Deluxe but my fur bobbles stopped eating it and throwing it more so I switched and have not had any food fights since.
I use Nutrina Nature wise. Love it, chinchillas have all gained so much and are doing wonderfully on it/ My nursing Mom's keep the weight on.
Wow this thread is over a year old!

I have mine on Oxbow. I had Tradition but the chins were not gaining weight, infact they were losing it. Switched and have been happy since.
I use Mazuri and have had no problems, we can get it at a feed store nearby for about $20 for a 25 pound bag. I used to use Kaytee for timothy but now I've figured out that we have timothy growing all around our house.
We feed our five boys Tradition currently, but have been thinking of switching to oxbow, but we're not 100% sure on switching. Also feed oxbow timothy and orchard grass hay.
I use Mazuri too. I only have three chins, so cost really isn't an issue for me. I have considered switching to Oxbow though.