Eye question regarding brown velvet

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I would highly doubt at 4 months a tooth issue is going to be a problem, especially not if he's still eating and growing. It could very easily be a blocked tear duct, or as mentioned, an allergy. It could also have been crappy ventilation at the breeders place. Ventilation issues can cause that wet eyed look, though generally it's both eyes, not just one.
At four months of age it may be very difficult to tell if it is a tooth issue...most of the time that won't pop up until a year or more of age. I'd get the antibiotic drops because this could be an eye infection that the baby may have had since he was very young. Sometimes an infection will do no more than cause a runny eye - I've noticed that that is the case in baby chins more than with adults. I'd give Gentamycin drops in the eye twice a day for a week and see if that clears it up.

I'm surprised that a breeder would sell a chin with that type of problem without any real treatment. Are you sure that this breeder took your chin to the vet? Any of the vets that I use probably would have sent him home with some ointment or drops for the eye. You probably do need to contact the breeder to ask about this. Since it is an ongoing problem, he may be responsible for helping with the vet bill.
At four months of age it may be very difficult to tell if it is a tooth issue...most of the time that won't pop up until a year or more of age. I'd get the antibiotic drops because this could be an eye infection that the baby may have had since he was very young. Sometimes an infection will do no more than cause a runny eye - I've noticed that that is the case in baby chins more than with adults. I'd give Gentamycin drops in the eye twice a day for a week and see if that clears it up.

I'm surprised that a breeder would sell a chin with that type of problem without any real treatment. Are you sure that this breeder took your chin to the vet? Any of the vets that I use probably would have sent him home with some ointment or drops for the eye. You probably do need to contact the breeder to ask about this. Since it is an ongoing problem, he may be responsible for helping with the vet bill.

he actually was sent home with drops. i cant remember the name..but they were in a yellow box... dated and everything. im having a really hard time thinking that a breeder would give me a problematic chin... and im seriously hoping that is not the case. he also let me know if i do have any problems to give him a call or go by his house.
after someone mentioned the ventilation.. im thinking that this may be the actual issue. when i walked into where all of the chins were housed, there was a very strong pee smell... almost like chemical ... and he said that it was time for the cages to be cleaned. im jut so happy to be giving this little buddy a much better smelling home! ive been using a cottonball very lightly dampened with tepid water, and wiping his eye. its weird, because it happens sporadically.... almost like hes crying.
I've seen some "breeders" sell off chins with much worse conditions that they did know about. I'm not saying that the person you dealt with is like that. I just want to make sure that everything is as it should be. I know that I would be responsible if I were to sell off a chin like that. In fact, I sold a chin years ago to someone and had to pay the vet bills because that person did the wrong thing and blamed me. Breeders have the duty of making things right if it is their faults that something went wrong. I know that I take full responsibility. (Even though ONE person said that I didn't, but that person lied to people and never contacted me about the problem.)

You should probably use saline solution it may be a little more comfortable on the eyes. A ventilation issue shouldn't cause just one eye to become watery. There's probably more going on there than just that.

Is the eye red at all? There's no discharge besides the watering, right?
I've seen some "breeders" sell off chins with much worse conditions that they did know about. I'm not saying that the person you dealt with is like that. I just want to make sure that everything is as it should be. I know that I would be responsible if I were to sell off a chin like that. In fact, I sold a chin years ago to someone and had to pay the vet bills because that person did the wrong thing and blamed me. Breeders have the duty of making things right if it is their faults that something went wrong. I know that I take full responsibility. (Even though ONE person said that I didn't, but that person lied to people and never contacted me about the problem.)

You should probably use saline solution it may be a little more comfortable on the eyes. A ventilation issue shouldn't cause just one eye to become watery. There's probably more going on there than just that.

Is the eye red at all? There's no discharge besides the watering, right?

yeah.. im just REALLY hoping thats not the case.
UGH i wish i could post a picture, but my iphone doesnt even pick up the eye. well his eyeball is pink.. just the same as the other one, and the eyelid is whiteish... exactly the same color as the other. he has a white ring around the eye thats not bothered which is SO cute (off subject i know). and there is absolutely no discharge thank god. i just cant wait to get him to the vet.
im crossing my fingers!! ill let you guys know how it goes on monday :)
when i first got my second chin, he had a pretty decent eye infection. took roughly 2 months to clear up completely. over 2 years later, the fur around the eyes, never damp or wet - is in a weird almost "stuck" position as it was when he did have the eye infection. it almost looks like he took his paws and put some gel in his paws and pulled the fur under one eye in a downward position (if that makes any sense haha). hes had dental checkups since his eye infection and theres no issue there. so maybe there is a chance the breeder is telling the truth (to his knowledge) about how it looks anyways. tho as others said, may look like that for some other reason. :)
when i first got my second chin, he had a pretty decent eye infection. took roughly 2 months to clear up completely. over 2 years later, the fur around the eyes, never damp or wet - is in a weird almost "stuck" position as it was when he did have the eye infection. it almost looks like he took his paws and put some gel in his paws and pulled the fur under one eye in a downward position (if that makes any sense haha). hes had dental checkups since his eye infection and theres no issue there. so maybe there is a chance the breeder is telling the truth (to his knowledge) about how it looks anyways. tho as others said, may look like that for some other reason. :)

thats EXACTLY how it looks. ive taken some pictures, and i will still post them monday after the vet... in case anyone else is having the same problem. it still eats and poos and loves on my husband and i. i couldnt imagine and happier, more hyper ball of fur!