I have a little eb, named Goober, who is 480 grams. I believe he is just about one year but I have to check my records. He came from a litter of 4 and was the runt. The breeder says that when he was a newborn (?) mom bit him in the eye and it seems as if the eyeball just sort of disintegrated in the socket. Susan if you read this, correct me if I'm wrong 
The breeder had her vet check him and said that the mild discharge is from the body of where the eye would be. My vet agreed but we tried antibiotics to be on the safe side and they didn't help. His eye is usually wet but it doesn't run down his face. Sometimes if you gently squeeze the area, white discharge comes out.
My vet feels that he could be put under anesthesia and that eyeball socket cleaned out and possibly sewn shut(?) to prevent the leakage. She doesn't feel he is in pain but sometimes I wonder. He seems to be eating good and has a cage buddy to cuddle with.
Any takes on this? Could he be in any pain? Would you do the surgery?
The breeder had her vet check him and said that the mild discharge is from the body of where the eye would be. My vet agreed but we tried antibiotics to be on the safe side and they didn't help. His eye is usually wet but it doesn't run down his face. Sometimes if you gently squeeze the area, white discharge comes out.
My vet feels that he could be put under anesthesia and that eyeball socket cleaned out and possibly sewn shut(?) to prevent the leakage. She doesn't feel he is in pain but sometimes I wonder. He seems to be eating good and has a cage buddy to cuddle with.
Any takes on this? Could he be in any pain? Would you do the surgery?