Eye Infection! :(

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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2010
Pinconning, MI
So we're taking Milo to see the vets today. Yesterday I went to go get her out for playtime and I noticed that one of her eyes were closed and she wouldn't open it. Well I brought her down stairs got a warm washcloth and did some warm compresses on it. Well puss started comming out of her eye. Its so swollen I feel bad for her! Ever since we got her her life has been messed up. I did the warm compress again this morning and only a lil bit of puss came out. Instead of having the doctor give me baytril again what would you guys recommend I ask for instead? And what kind of eye ointment?
Heres a thought... I use carefresh bedding, could anything from the bedding have gotten into her eyes? Because non of my dogs have been by her or my cats. My door is always closed.
It's hard telling what could have caused the infection. A bit of dust or bedding could have got into her eye, she could have scratched it, or just came in contact with bacteria that infected it.

Have the vet do a dye test to be sure the cornea isn't scratched. They do this by putting dye in the form of drops in the eye and using a special light to examine it.

Several different eye medications can be given. Some common ones include tobramycin, gentamycin, and terramycin. They can come in either drop or ointment form. Drops are easier to administer and less messy. Occasionally the vet will also use an oral antibiotic (usually sulfa based, TMZ) in conjunction with the eye medication.

The main thing is to keep up with the medication- be sure you administer the correct number of doses every day for the total treatment period.
Ok so, took milo in to the vets and she has scratched cornea, He gave us an ointment and an appt for in 5 days.
ummm I searched for swollen eye, bc I just noticed my lil girl has one eye that is swollen, about half way open. And I noticed this during playtime; she was fine all day today even when I took her out to play. She has also been using her front paws to rub her mouth and up and down her chin to her belly a few times, but I have noticed her do this motion before, but thought it was a Chinnie thing to do. Just wondered if the rubbing of her mouth, chin, and belly are associated with the eye inflammation?
I don't think it is. Milo didn't do this before she had her eye infection. The vet thinks its from the bedding, thats why I made her some fleece liners! No her cage has those in it and a pillow that she doesn't know what to make of still...lol
Yea..I need to invest in a sewing machine and make my own liners I think..
Just got back from the vets office and Millie has minor abrasions on her eye, and we have some medicated drops for the next few days. I saw some gray gunk come out of eye, so I am thinking it is the bath dust. I am thankful it isn't as bad as what I thought it was going to be! Phew!!! Now Millie will not be any more pain hopefully..poor lil girl!