Exercise Wheel?

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Apr 29, 2014
Hi, I'm looking for an exercise wheel for my 4 month old chin. Has anyone used the Martin's Cages Wobust Wodent Wheel? Or any other suggestions? Thanks!
I know a lot of people use this one it is supposed to help the chinchilla because they run in a more natural position than a wheel. Plus the other chinchilla can sit underneith and get bounced on.

First off you really should wait until the chin is at least 6 months before giving them a wheel, they need all there calories and energy to grow. Second that wheel you listed is plastic, therefore not safe if the chin chew on it, you'll want metal, and also even the largest wheel listed on that site is way too small for a chin. The minimum diameter for a safe sized chinchilla wheel is 15", if you have a small chin you can get away with a 14". As mentioned the flying saucer is great, that is what I have, but there is also the silver surfer wheel, chin spin, and if you can find or make one, some people use large round cake or oil pans with turn table bearings, they are much cheaper, but very loud.
I'm kinda liking the flying saucer! Have any of you guys used Martins' cages? That's what I'm thinking of getting for my munchkin!
The saucer is great! I've got one for my boy and it took him a while to figure it out but he loves it now!! It takes up a lot of room, probably more than the Surfer or Chin Spin but its easy to clean under and not too loud.