Excited to get started....and a question

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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My boyfriend is coming over today to help assemble Oscar's C&C habitat. The coroplast is going to have to wait til tomorrow, as I have searched high and low in a variety of stores trying to avoid having to purchase from a sign store, to no avail. :( Good news is, there is a store right around the corner from my work that will sell me some. I can go on my lunch break. Woohoo!

My question: What is considered a 'good' temperment for a hedgie? Oscar is pretty decent, will stop being all pissy within maybe 3-4 minutes of having him out of his cage. He doesn't bite (yet, lol), and it's not really hard to coax him out of his ball stage. He crawls around on me, explores, burrows, etc. The only aggressive noise I've heard out of him is a nose-hiss. I haven't heard squealing or clicking, and the nose-hiss stops once he comes out of his ball state.

Is this considered a decent temperment? Or could it possibly get better? I just don't know what the best to hope for might be. A hedgie who never has to have a 'warm up' period upon coming out of his cage? He's definitely not mean by any means, and considering he's only been with me since late Thursday night, I would imagine his disposition is going to improve. If it doesn't, it's not like I'm stuck with a hedgie I can't handle, because like I said, after an initial chill out period, he's fine.

Pics of his habitat to come, as it's built!
Aww, how exciting! Sounds like he's got a pretty good temperment, and it will only get better the more you handle him and he gets used to you! Lets see some pics!
OK we got the cage built last night. It's 3 cubes long, 1 cube deep, 2 cubes high. I have another whole box of cubes, so I do believe I we will be adding on another cube both up and downstairs.

I couldn't wait to get the tray built, so I made a makeshift tray out of the cardboard boxes the cubes came in, and threw some sheets in there for his comfort, and put his accessories in there as well. He burrowed to his heart's content, and MUCH to my elated surprise, he made it both UP and DOWN his ramp. I can't speak on his behalf, but I have got to think he's wicked happy with his new arrangements, and it's only going to get better once I add those two extra cubes and get his real tray constructed. Once his fleece liners are added, I'd imagine it will just be euphoria city. LOL!

Since it's not finished just yet, I haven't added pics of his new home. When I get home from work tonight, I'll be adding the two extra cubes, and I'm going to price shop today for coroplast.
If you have ramps, you need to make sure they are completely inclosed so there's no chance of him fallilng off and getting hurt. Can't wait to see pics!
Yes, the ramp upstairs is enclosed. Still trying to figure out how to put a guard rail on the actual ramp itself. I'm thinking I can hot glue gun some popsicle sticks to the one side. LOL His ramp is not made of coroplast. Its made of two of these (they are bendable, so we made a bendy ramp for him).


Can't wait for this thing to be finished so I can take pics. We made it so its extra easy to get in to chase him around, change out accessories, clean, etc. The whole top opens up, and the whole front of the bottom level opens as well. :D
You may find the wood products become a cleaning nightmare. I can imagine poop getting ground into the wood and making it impossible to get clean. Otherwise they look rather cool.
LOL I'm sure its going to be a matter of how well he likes to keep his home clean. I saw him running in his wheel last night...when he stopped, i was like uhm, oscar, you have a turd in your wheel. Dude.....

lol...get used to the poopy wheels! You'll wake up to that every morning...its part of life with a hedgie!

Oh, and I agree about the wood toys in the cage..they tend to be a whole lot harder to get clean, and some hedgie's have a knack for getting poop everywhere.


Jeez, ever since I got him, my days at work have consisted of 'man, i can't wait to get home and mess with O-dude.' I am 33 years old. I shouldn't be daydreaming about a prickly rodent. LOLOL!!
LOL I'm sure its going to be a matter of how well he likes to keep his home clean. I saw him running in his wheel last night...when he stopped, i was like uhm, oscar, you have a turd in your wheel. Dude.....


LOL! I WISH I just had turds in their wheels! Its like a big black road of caca in the wheels.
Road? I call them artwork. I swore when I first took Poptart in that she was trying to finger paint.