Hi folks,
I jumped the gun a bit and started posting in forums questions without actually introducing myself. I apologize. Between finishing the holidays, going back to work and being so incredibly scattered - I'm acting a bit ADD these days.
To be frank up until a few months ago, I knew nothing about Chinchillas. Last year I lost my 14 year old cat, Luna. It made me very sad and though she'd been sick for some time, when she was gone, the house felt empty (despite having a very active 3 year old). A few months ago while a pet supply, exotic pet store that my son likes to go to, to see the rabbits, but also the snakes, lizards and spiders (not my favorite), they had a Chinchilla. We asked about him and caring for him and what it entailed and got a pamphlet and read it but that was about as far as we went, figuring we may get a dog next Fall. Then in early December we were in the store and they had a new Chinchilla and I fell in love. They let me hold him (which I have since learned is not the best thing for them unless they trust you) and he was so good about it. He didn't scramble or get upset. He was very "chill" as they put it for a Chinchilla. We visited him again later that week and my husband essentially formulated a plan and that Chinchilla came home on Christmas. He is a little past 2 months old and we named him Dash.
We live in Rochester, NY area and its a great climate for Chins. We regularly keep our house below 70 in winter and summer as I don't like the heat. My son is now three and so he has acclimated to my chillier house ways
. And he has learned gentle with animals early on because my cat was sick in the first few years of his life, so he was always taught, touch gently. Right now he only gets to look at Dash because we know how delicate a creature Dash is.
Right now, the wonderful little guy is sitting up in my office now, curled on his side and asleep and not minding my typing at all. We did everything wrong the first few days, as we read a lot, but didn't realize much of the advice we were reading was for 6 months or older Chinchillas. But, then I did real research and learned what to do right and think he is well on his way to good adjustment. He walked on my arm yesterday and think if I'd let him he'd have come out of the cage onto my shoulder, but we are keeping him in the cage because I read at 2 months it is best not to give him much out of the cage playtime due to him not being able to properly regulate his own body temperature.
I thank this forum for some of that learning, which is why I joined it to share my stories, ask questions and just become part of a community of fellow Chinchilla owners, a world much different than dog or cat owners. I still have much to learn and I'm not enough of a DIY person to do what a lot of folks have done - and will need to rely on store bought materials (and spend more) to keep Dash comfortable, but that's okay. I know now from reading that the pet store is the last place you want to get a Chin and a breeder is much better, but Dash is different - he really is "chill" adapting so quickly to his new home- maybe because he was in a pet store, I don't know but admittedly, I was shocked that he walked on me yesterday. It has only been a week and a half since I brought him home. His play is so fun - he takes all his toys in his mouth and runs around and ultimately drops them all down to the floor, then picks them back up again. Watching him gives me joy. And I hope being in this house and loved will give him the same.
Anyways - that's my story. I'll have lots of questions, as I learn about being a good Chinchilla owner but maybe I can pay it back by answering questions as I become more experienced. Thank you all for taking the time to read and looking forward to communications with you all in days, months to come.
I jumped the gun a bit and started posting in forums questions without actually introducing myself. I apologize. Between finishing the holidays, going back to work and being so incredibly scattered - I'm acting a bit ADD these days.
To be frank up until a few months ago, I knew nothing about Chinchillas. Last year I lost my 14 year old cat, Luna. It made me very sad and though she'd been sick for some time, when she was gone, the house felt empty (despite having a very active 3 year old). A few months ago while a pet supply, exotic pet store that my son likes to go to, to see the rabbits, but also the snakes, lizards and spiders (not my favorite), they had a Chinchilla. We asked about him and caring for him and what it entailed and got a pamphlet and read it but that was about as far as we went, figuring we may get a dog next Fall. Then in early December we were in the store and they had a new Chinchilla and I fell in love. They let me hold him (which I have since learned is not the best thing for them unless they trust you) and he was so good about it. He didn't scramble or get upset. He was very "chill" as they put it for a Chinchilla. We visited him again later that week and my husband essentially formulated a plan and that Chinchilla came home on Christmas. He is a little past 2 months old and we named him Dash.
We live in Rochester, NY area and its a great climate for Chins. We regularly keep our house below 70 in winter and summer as I don't like the heat. My son is now three and so he has acclimated to my chillier house ways
Right now, the wonderful little guy is sitting up in my office now, curled on his side and asleep and not minding my typing at all. We did everything wrong the first few days, as we read a lot, but didn't realize much of the advice we were reading was for 6 months or older Chinchillas. But, then I did real research and learned what to do right and think he is well on his way to good adjustment. He walked on my arm yesterday and think if I'd let him he'd have come out of the cage onto my shoulder, but we are keeping him in the cage because I read at 2 months it is best not to give him much out of the cage playtime due to him not being able to properly regulate his own body temperature.
I thank this forum for some of that learning, which is why I joined it to share my stories, ask questions and just become part of a community of fellow Chinchilla owners, a world much different than dog or cat owners. I still have much to learn and I'm not enough of a DIY person to do what a lot of folks have done - and will need to rely on store bought materials (and spend more) to keep Dash comfortable, but that's okay. I know now from reading that the pet store is the last place you want to get a Chin and a breeder is much better, but Dash is different - he really is "chill" adapting so quickly to his new home- maybe because he was in a pet store, I don't know but admittedly, I was shocked that he walked on me yesterday. It has only been a week and a half since I brought him home. His play is so fun - he takes all his toys in his mouth and runs around and ultimately drops them all down to the floor, then picks them back up again. Watching him gives me joy. And I hope being in this house and loved will give him the same.
Anyways - that's my story. I'll have lots of questions, as I learn about being a good Chinchilla owner but maybe I can pay it back by answering questions as I become more experienced. Thank you all for taking the time to read and looking forward to communications with you all in days, months to come.