EMERGENCY Cat wounded chin Pansy

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New member
Apr 8, 2011
My cat reached under the bathroom door and hooked Pansy around the corner of her jaw sometime yesterday. There is a quarter sized area of missing fur and a wound that looks like two layers of tissue deep about a quarter of an inch wide. The area of fur around her jaw and and chest seem wet but don't look like blood, I'm thinking possibly lymph fluid? I discovered this about 10:30 last night and have locked up the cat so he cant get to her again and sat with her till 2am trying to see the wound with a flashlight and tried to get some triple antibiotic ointment (anybody know if this is okay or should I go get some Neosporin I've seen mentioned) on the area which I believe missed and only mired in some of her neck fur which she objected to by acting like something icky was there. She scratches at the wound with her back foot like it itches and I have never been able to hold her still enuf to actually do anything with her and was afraid it would stress her out over the threshold of being able to recover last night to grab her so I haven't put anything on the actual wound yet successfully. She struggled violently last time (a few weeks ago) when I tried to securely hold her, slipped a lot of fur and I dropped her, fortunately I was sitting on the floor so sweet girl that she is she immediately forgave me and was back sitting on my knee like she likes to do but I am afraid to try it again although I have a lingerie bag with fingertip sized holes all over it that I might could drop over and gather around her and possibly treat the wound through the holes. I don't know. Any suggestions? She did run around last night like she was okay and sat on my hands and knee like normal but was and is quieter than usual. She also ate an unusual amount of her timothy hay last night like she needed it more than usual. I went and got a frozen ice cream making bucket with the frozen liquid core and put it upside down on the floor as it was hotter yesterday than usual and she was sitting on her marble slab more than usual and she rubbed her chin, chest and face on the icecream maker and licked at the condensation on it like it was a great relief to her...this was last night after the injury so I'm gonna put another one in there today. I'm also gonna call Dr. Hannon someone mentioned on here and see if I can bring her in this morning but meanwhile if anyone has any advice as to how I can treat her/ hold her/ what to use on her, etc. PLEASE let me know here right away. Thanks! Sorry this is so long but I am so worried!
Chin needs a emergency vet ASAP, cats are nasty gross creatures with bacteria on the paws from all kinds of gross things like dead animals and feces and urine, the chin needs to have that wound looked at by a professional and needs antibiotics, there is no one on the forum that can give home remedy advice in this situation, if they do its not going to do this chin right.
i wouldnt use the triple antibiotic as she will likely lick & ingest. i would clean it with a saline solution and make a vet appointment asap. she may need a mild antibiotic like the trimeth sulfa to keep any infection at bay.
IMO the chin may need something stronger than TMS since the wound is in the head and is a significant size, lots of blood supply there and the nasty cat bacteria on the claws.
good point Dawn!
make sure the vet prescribes something like Baytril then.
and perhaps a pain relief medication like Metacam may be a good idea. having a cut in the mouth region will probably affect her eating habits.
She is eating more than usual but is a quieter movement wise than usual. Thank you all for the recommendations, I have a call in to the vet hoping he can see us today. I know cat's claws are nasty which is why I nearly couldn't make it through the night from anxiety. At least my cat is an indoor cat which may not make a difference germwise anyway but I hope it does.
The same thing happened to my chin and my roommate's cat. But her wounds were in different places, still from the cat paw under the door though.

I took 45 minutes to get her into a carrier but then went to the emergency room and she had to have surgery. Her wounds were all superficial, just needed to be stitched up and I saw no blood anywhere except on her inner skin layer.

Multiple people will make it easier to hold her and look at her wounds, and the vets may want to shave her skin or sedate her to look at them. Their fur can hide many things. When I first brought Chloe to the e-vets the vet saw two wounds and I thought maybe three but it turned out she had four big cuts on her. And they only found the fourth one when they shaved her fur for surgery.

She was on antibiotics but still got a URI and her wounds get infected (roommate's cat is an indoor cat also). I finally have it all under control now (about 6 weeks later) but you should really try and get her to a vet as soon as you possibly can. The quicker she gets antibiotics, the less likely she will have a bad infection and the quicker she can recover without problems. Good luck, let us know how she's doing.
How much did all that cost you? They are saying 3-400$ or more estimate here depending on how bad it is.
How much did all that cost you? They are saying 3-400$ or more estimate here depending on how bad it is.

The surgery and meds all cost about $460. I had to bring her back when her wounds got infected and she got a URI so all that probably cost $100 more. I borrowed some money from my parents, as thankfully I know I can do that but you could use a credit card or ask them about payment plans.

My chin had lacerations all along her side, so if yours has one on her face it might cost less but in all actuality, there is a decent chance she will get an infection and it will cost more if you let it get worse.

Go to a vet and let them look at her and see what they say. They can't tell you how bad it is unless they look and that won't cost you and arm and a leg to just find out what's going on and if your chin needs the surgery. Maybe she just needs it cleaned out and put on meds, who knows? At least then you can find out what your options are and discuss them.
Just wanted to give everyone an update. Pansy is doing fine, she didn't respond well to the triple antibiotic cream as it messed up her bowel movements but after some yogurt chews and some nibbles on a magnesium tablet that eventually got resolved. The wounds did better with a mixture of manuka honey and cayenne on them although her fur is still not smooth but is gradually getting there. Her sweet trusting temperament has been set back as I have to take extra time with her each time I go in with her to let her know it is just me and no mysterious dangerous paws are gonna reach under the door and change her whole world. Large concrete blocks now block the bottom edge of the door so that nothing can pry a way to reach under it and she is back to happily chewing the room apart. Moving soon though and am gonna have to keep her in her cage a lot more than before at the new location so I'm gonna try to get her the best wheel out there to help her not miss her freedom quite so much.
I'm one for all natural treatments when it is appropriate, BUT the cayenne and manuka honey are going to burn like h*ll on an open wound. Not to mention be super sticky on her fur. It sounds like you never brought her to the vet, but instead self medicated? Maybe I'm reading it wrong.

You are really risking her health in other ways by using those two things. She could easily get it in her eyes which would burn horribly and she could lick some of it and the manuka honey has tea tree oil in it and that along with the cayenne is not something you want a chin to ingest.
^^ Gonna have to agree with this. And yogurt chews? Magnesium tablets? For what? I'm not quite sure how either of those are even vaguely connected to a possibly infected wound.
I assume this chin did not get to a vet due to all the DIY treatments. If you own a pet, it needs a vet and serious wounds should NEVER be self treated, especially nasty cat wounds.
The vet bill will be A LOT more expensive if she goes into stasis, becomes infected or really if her health becomes worse in any way from the incident with your cat. Seriously, to be fair, if you can't afford the vet, you should not own the pet.
I had to get my chinchilla's leg amputated after being gone for a weekend and coming home to the poor chinchilla's leg caught in the wire :(, but I took her to the vet asap and my vet got her taken care of and it cost around $415 for the whole thing including her meds......just some info