Recovery time is probably different for every chin and dependent on the procedure and the extent of work that had to be done. My girl has had 3 dental procedures now and the last one took her only two days to start eating on her own. It just depends.
If sleeping in his litter box is not normal for your chin then, no, I don't think it is normal. I am sorry you and your chinnie are going through this. It could be his energy level is low so he is falling asleep wherever he lands. Is he gaining weight? Pooping fine? It sounds like he may be lethargic. Does his stomach feel a little squishy or does it feel hard? I guess I would worry about GI issues if he isn't eating properly.
If sleeping in his litter box is not normal for your chin then, no, I don't think it is normal. I am sorry you and your chinnie are going through this. It could be his energy level is low so he is falling asleep wherever he lands. Is he gaining weight? Pooping fine? It sounds like he may be lethargic. Does his stomach feel a little squishy or does it feel hard? I guess I would worry about GI issues if he isn't eating properly.