Look at the difference in her size compared to her litter mates! Hopefully now that her body is healing it can start to concentrate on growing and catching up. There have been plenty of hedgehogs that have had a missing foot or leg, and they have done very well. If you ever get the chance ask Standing Bear at the Flash & Thelma Memorial rescue about Fred. He was a rescue from California that lost portions of both back legs to gangrene. I had the pleasure to meet Fred before he passed away a few years back (due to old age), and the only way I knew it was Fred was the hedgehog had a "strange" gait. He moved around just fine.
I'm just loving how dark Ebba's mask and coloring is currently. I know she can still fade a bunch, but she is just adorable.
I'm just loving how dark Ebba's mask and coloring is currently. I know she can still fade a bunch, but she is just adorable.