Eating Own Poop OK?

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Loving Pet Owner
Aug 29, 2010
San Diego, CA
I noticed during playtime, Handbag will often stop and nibble on his own poop but eventually ends up dropping it.

Is this OK?

I figure it's because his food goes through him so fast its mostly nutrients?

Thanks in advance.
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It's ok and normal. Gross, but normal. I had the same question when I first got my chin. There is a reason they do it. I just can't seem to remember why.
I think there are still nutrients in their poop that they are going after. Whatever the reason, it is normal for them to eat their poop.
I have an answer!

They are hind gut fermenters and it rebalances their gut

it's a source of proteins and energy and b vitamins
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Cecotropes is the poo that are eaten, they result from the fermentation of food in a the cecum. Cecotropes are nutrient-rich and are passed out of the body, like poo, but are reingested by the chin so the nutrients can be absorbed. Cecotropes have twice the protein, and half of the fiber of the typical poo. The only time you might actually see one is a malo chin, they tend to not eat them so you will occasionally see a funky poo.
dawn, that is really interesting. i wonder if anyone has a pic of a cecotrope. ive only seen normal poops in giz's cage so im assuming he gets all the yummy ones before i see them. i wonder how they know...crazy chins.

i definitely noticed different poops when i had my rabbits. they weren't just the coco-puffs size poop, they looked like little bunches of grapes and my rabbits would eat that. i was disgusted, but i knew they were just getting more nutrients.

...thank goodness humans dont do that...