Dwarf Chinchillas?

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Ruby's Mom
Jun 29, 2009
Are there really such a thing as Dwarf Chinchillas? I looked at many chinchillas during the course of a year (well, kind of you know different rehomings and such) Until I picked my Pink White chinchilla, Ruby. I never came across any dwarf chinchillas but have heard about them. If you have any pictures could you share them? I am very curious :thanks10:
Yes, there are dwarf chinchillas. They're not very common, and they are different than just a small sized chinchilla. They have different attributes which make them indeed a dwarf.
I have one here. A female she was kind of a fluke. I did allow her brother to go on to a pet home as he was one too, but the female will be staying with my mom and her other girls so that she never gets "accidently" bred in a pet home. They do happen although not frequently. Most breeder when they pop up split up the pair as really they aren't considered "desirable". They do have some very distinct features.
I would love to have one lol of course i am even lucky to have 1 right now
A breeder from whom I have purchased breeds dwarf chinchillas. She offered me an extra dark ebony that was a dwarf. I decided to go with the large girl instead.
I have been working on dwarfs for all most to years now. They very slow breeders for obvious reasons.
Here are some of my dwarfs.
Munch~ mosaic he is about three months here. 281g

Teddy~ beige and is two years, he is my biggest dwarf.531g

Boo~black velvet and has big tude! 291g
How much do they usually cost?

Also, how do you end up with a dwarf? I would guess that you can't breed the females because of their size. Would you just breed a male dwarf with a normal female and hope for a dwarf?
I know there are dwarf carriers so I bet that comes into play. You would probably breed a male dwarf to a female to get carriers, then go from there. They are precious!
Breeding dwarves is like breeding recessives, you need two carriers or a carrier and a dwarf. The females are not safe to breed though.
You need either carriers or a dwarf male & female carrier, dwarf females should NEVER be breed because of their size. They can have normal sized kits, which she would not be able to deliver.

whiskers387 Yes, they can but certain precautions need to be takeing, such as modifying the cage so that the dwarf can move around the cage safely.
DO you sell dwarfs anytime soon? Also what price range? I can use the cage Whiskers is in right now for quarantine, and im getting my 142 set up as we speak for whiskers, what would i need to do for precautions? Like making smaller jumps and more things to break falls?
They are cute. Is it normal for Teddy to have a curled ear like that? He doesn't look all that well to me, but then again I know very little about dwarf chins.
I will but right now I am trying build a my line. Dwarf girls will be when they are born.

Teddy was that way when I bought him, he was attacked by his former mate. So now his ear is that way now. Oh he was asleep when I took his pic.
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Ronda has them on occasion, they're pretty rare. She sells them between $200-$300.

Here's a picture of a white ebony male she had last year. She had an adorable little tan female too, can't find the pictures of her though.


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They are really cute,
Anyway just would like to know, what is the average weight for a dwarf?
How do you know if you have a dwarf/carrier or not?
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