Dry ears?

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Active member
Mar 3, 2011
Westmoreland, Pa
Is there anything I can do to help my chins dry ears, like vaseline on them, would that help, is there anything I can get at petco or petsmart or even walmart? Thanks!
You can use pet safe bag balm. I got mine at the tractor company. You just put a thin layer on. You should make sure it's not a fungus first!
You can also use vitamin E oil. How often do you dust your chinchilla? If you are doing it too often, it can cause dry skin which often shows up on the ears.
I just got another chin sunday and her previous owner left the bath dust in there always, I give my other chin a bath about once or twice a week and I'm gonna wait till next week to give my new chin a bath, both their ears look dry, but only hers feel dry, where could I get vitamin E oil? I think I'm just gonna get some bag balm from tractor supply tomorrow for their ears, but does the vitamin E oil work better?
Either one works fine, but the Vit. E can be a bit more messy. What I did was buy the Vitamin E capsules (in the vitamin aisle at walmart), used a pin to poke a hole in it, and squeezed it out. Bag Balm however is much easier to use.