Dried Grains/Veggies?

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Apr 12, 2012
Hello Everyone!
I am wondering if there are any dried grains (such as quinoa, couscous, lentils, split peas, etc.) that are acceptable, or even healthy for my chins to eat? perhaps flax?
Let me know your thoughts!
flax seeds, barley, oats, and some other grains are fine for them and commonly found in supplements. Instant oats are not ok to give. Your best bet is to look for grain mixes commonly given to horses that do not contain corn or contain a minimal amount. I get rolled oats, rolled barley, flax seeds and sometimes wheat germ for a supplement mix for my chin. Keep in mind that anything added onto their normal diet needs to be given in moderation.
Thanks! I have (on occasion) given them an organic rolled oat as a treat, as I like to feed my chins the way I eat:) I was just curious about the other dried grains that I have purchased at Whole Foods, thanks for the input!