Dried fruit?

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What I use as treat is a "JR farm" garden mix with chamomile,milk thistle etc...one small tea spoon the one day and the next day a small dandelion root is that to much?as for the sugary sweets I believe they do no harm and that in many situations even if the "facts" may point to one thing for sure a necropsis has proven them wrong showing them a different way that the "facts" may have been explained..
NiftyKat - It's recommended that you don't start giving treats until your chin is at least six months old.

To the OP - There seemed to be a bit of arguing going on here, almost to the point of being personal for whatever reason, but in the end you have to decide for yourself whether or not you want to feed treats. I was told by my mentor, who had been in chins for a billion years, two things: Don't kill your chins with kindness and K.I.S.S. - keep it simple stupid. Pellets, hay, chew sticks, and water. I upped that to include rosehips on occasion, but that's it. I've had large amounts of chins wiped out after using supplement from a respected breeder and from a bad pellet (as did many others on the same pellet). I've learned from experience that I would prefer to err on the side of caution and not give junk food to chins.

You said it yourself - do you need Reese's pieces, etc.? Nope, neither do I. Do I love chocolate and bread and pop? You betcha. But it sure isn't good for me. We tell people not to feed pellets that are loaded with dried fruit because a chin will always pick out the "candy" rather than the pellets. In the same way, I can't seem to control myself very well with what I eat, but I can control what I give my pets. So I give them the healthiest things I can. Just something to think about.
I completely understand. To tell you the truth, I haven't given my Chin any banana chips since. I threw them out. Rosehips are being ordered soon.
When I made that post I had read all the answers and got overwhelmed, and a bit defensive. I am not going to give her any fruit anymore. Heck, I'm changing her pellets over to Oxbow too.
My Chin isn't too happy about it, but she'll live (longer most likely)