Well-known member
If anyone read my introduction thread they know my four boys have been battling a long case of the squishy poos. We have tried quite a few scenarios and the most recent seems to be working (haven't seen a squishy poo in almost six hours). Because one of the early beliefs from the vet was that this was being caused by a possible parasite infection we have cut out of cage play time to limit the amount of contaminated space. With the current treatment we have reduced them down to a simple diet of hay and water. Needless to say my boys are not very happy at all. Gus Gus (the leader of the gang) has been sitting at the front of the cage staring at me for the better part of 45 minutes now, throwing well formed healthy poos. I think he's saying "Look dad they're normal...NOW LET ME OUT!" We haven't progressed to the point of them giving me the "cold butt" yet so I don't think they're completely mad...just annoyed. Everyone keep your fingers crossed this continues to work and we will still be normal in a couple days so they can have their pellets and play time back, and I can be the good dad again.