Don't think Cuddles is going to make it...

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2010
Cuddles Story:
This is what is going on with my chinchilla cuddles, I am stressed and very attached to her, and I am at my end of knowing what to do. First she got a foot infection so we went to our local vet and he prescribed us Baytril in pill form. We ended up giving it to her in syringe form. We then noticed she was losing weight rapidly. We read online and found that we should give her critical care.We also contacted our vet and he gave her fluids. Right now we are feeding her critical care and she is eating a lot of hay. Hay seems to be the only thing she wants to eat. She resists the critical care, we can only get about 5ml down her. She is drinking very little water and she is pooping but very little. It is almost as if she isn't pooping at all. She won't even eat her favorite treat! I'm not sure if she is constipated or she has something blocking her system. She started to go downhill after she was put on Baytril. I am not sure if something is blocking her system either. Its not looking good for her. We are rubbing her belly and putting warm rice on it too. I have no clue what to do now. She is only four. Its not looking very good for her.
Yes I took her in yesterday and he didn't think she needed fluids again because she still was absorbing what he gave her. We are going to take her tomorrow. I took her out to play and it looks like she is trying to stretch her belly.
Sounds like she's developing bloat and has maybe gone into Stasis, she needs motility drugs for her guts asap.
I've been told input=output. I'm just new to the world of handfeeding, but went through the stasis scare with it...but you pretty much HAVE to force them to eat. Wrap her up in a towel or fleece, and syringe feed her. You can always get someone to hold her while you feed her. Or, you can see if she'll eat it off a spoon or syringe right in her cage (if you're lucky!)

I've been going by what I was told that 60ml/day is the minimum she should be getting. It seems like a lot, but she's going to need it. Over the past 3 weeks I've worked up to getting 90-100ml into Lilo/day. It's really hard at first because you're stressed and frustrated, but it does get better. Do you have simethicone on hand? I gave that to Lilo after every feeding to help her out.
what is simethicone?

I feel like I am choking her when I force her to eat should I make it more liquidy? Also I keep hearing stasis...Exactly what is stasis?
If you're using Critical Care you can do a 1:2 ratio (CC:water), or even a little bit more if it's easier. It tends to thicken up after it's mixed initially. Just make sure you're not putting too much in her mouth at one time. She might fuss at first (Lord knows Lilo did!) but she'll get the hang of it!
Here's a pretty good video on hand feeding.

I like making my cc just a little thicker then the consistency of applesauce. You want it to pass through the syringe easily. Many people who have hand fed have their own preferences as to what works best for them. The key is to squirt it into the side of the mouth, not straight down the throat.
Cuddles is Doing Great!!

Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to thank you for all of the advice when Cuddles was sick. We found out that she had an impaction and were struggling to get her to eat and go to the bathroom. She finally got through that and is now healthy and happy. Without you, Cuddles might not have made it. Thank you again!!!


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Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to thank you for all of the advice when Cuddles was sick. We found out that she had an impaction and were struggling to get her to eat and go to the bathroom. She finally got through that and is now healthy and happy. Without you, Cuddles might not have made it. Thank you again!!!

Oh I am so happy for you and chin what very good news!!!!!!
I'm so happy to hear Cuddles is better now. Well done for getting her through such a tough time!
I love happy endings. Looks like you did a great job of pulling her through the tough times. Way to go! :clap1:
Wow, that's amazing! I'm so happy she is ok now. I love when people update!! Congrats on getting her through her illness!
Hey guys,
Cuddles is bleeding from her foot again. Im a little nervous to go to the vet for this, because i think that the medicine that they gave her is how the impaction started before. But I now know that she is chewing on her foot and making it bleed, because there was blood on her mouth and hand. I have been trying to moisturize it, and after i do, she will stay away from it, so I don't think i am triggering her to bite it. Is there any way that I could stop her from doing this?