Does baytil string or burn?

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Nov 22, 2013
Ive been giving my chin baytril lately as he has a tooth infection. I noticed the last few times I have given him oral baytril, a few hours later he drools slightly more. Is this because he is trying to dilute the taste by drooling more or does the baytril sting in the mouth?
Baytril tastes absolutely awful. While liquid baytril is safe to give orally, it technically isn't made for oral use (the liquid form is meant for injection), so it isn't flavored at all. You can ask the vet to mix it with cherry flavored corn syrup to lessen the bite a bit, but it still doesn't taste all that great. I always mixed it with some simethicone as well when I gave it and made sure to give a chaser of Critical Care to get as much out of the mouth as possible.

We got the best luck out of compounding the baytril tablets with cherry corn syrup. The animals still didn't like it all that much but it didn't seem to taste AS bad as the injectable.

If you continue to have problems, ask your vet about flagyl (metronidazole). It seems to work good for tooth infections and doesn't have as bad a taste as baytril.