Do your chins have super sharp nails too?

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Gumby and Elmo

Well-known member
Feb 5, 2009
Hong Kong
So as u know, recently I got 2 more chins, love them but they torture me with their toe nails :(
I didn't notice they were that sharp on my boys, but my boys weren't handled that often. But even if they were, they never cut my skin open.
The girls nails, both of them are like razors. Do they trim them themselves as they get older? Or would I have to rmb to wear long sleeves before handling them?
See the pics, the long red scratch is fresh from miss Toffee this morning when I was cleaning her cage, and she climbed onto my arm.
I've got like 4-5 scars on my arm, I look like I am one of those teenagers that muitilate themselves....except I am an oldie which makes it even worst :(


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My male chin Chester left several marks on my arms, chest..... he has sharp nails too, and whenever he struggles, he leaves marks on my body,and i am allergic, so the scratches always swell up...
Yep! Koopa was very squirmy and cut up my arm and hand with his razor claws. I have a scar across the back of my hand from him.

i've gotten a few scratches when i hold my boys up on my chest. usually they like to sit under the crook of my neck and be petted for a minute or two, but when they don't want to...... look out! lol. they try to scramble away and it leaves such pretty pink/red lines behind. wouldn't say their nails are super/extra long, just a bit sharp. Rhino's are longer than Guss's, and Rhino just happens to be the boy that likes to be held less.
I have a brick in the cage with my boys, it helps keep their nails filed down, something I learned from having rats. The rough surface works like a file and keeps their nails nice and soft. It also holds down the fleece, gives them a step up to the cage door, and stays cool like a chiller. It's just a patio paver from the home improvement store. It's one of their favorite places to sit in the cage. As I was typing all this, Rufus decided that he was going to move all of his hay right next to it so he can munch while he sits on it.


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Lol, koopashark, your arm's looks like a scratch post, does indeed make me feel better that I only have a couple on me.
I've gotten scratches on my arms legs and even my chest and shoulders. (no I'm not topless when I play with them, Kansas is scorching this time of year :hot:)

Becky, you seem to be on to something there. I'm going to give that a shot
Once I got severely scratched when I was loosening a fur knat on my chest I was holding her close just plucking then she freaked out I looked like I had been sliced and diced now I am smarter and know how sharp claws are and buritto wrap if I need to do any things she does not like!