I sat down and figured out a weight:space ratio for Flea versus myself once. I basically get 200g/sq ft in my apt. Flea gets 50g/sq ft in his FN142. So basically his "room" is 4 times bigger than my apartment on a size basis. Plus he gets lots more treats than I do.
This is reason #4684756 why I love you Jeremy... you and only you would sit down and figure this out ;-)
Yes, my pets are family. I call them my kids, furkids, chinchildren, etc... I have pictures of them on my phone, and could spend hours talking your ear off about their daily antics. I take them into consideration when making many big decisions. If I want to travel, can I find a sitter? If I'm moving does the place allow animals, does it have central air, how can I design a room to make it chin-proof? I'm young, and have no plans of having children in the near future. Naturally I devote all my maternal instincts on my furkids.
With that being said, the bond that I share with select human family members is much deeper. I've lost several pets, but none of them were as special as my sweet Lily. I lost her and my Grandfather almost exactly 1 year apart from each other. To this day I still miss them both, but given the chance to have one of them back I would pick my Grandfather without even thinking about it.