I'm going to repeat again, if you don't want to breed, what difference would it make what "breeds" you put together? You vehemently deny wanting to breed, then say "maybe just once." If you get an opposite sex chin, we all know it won't be "just once." That would mean a minimum of 3 different cages (one for mom and kits, one for dad while they are nursing, one for kits after weaning or if they are opposite sex kits or if mom and dad turn on each and you need a spare). Even with same sex chins you have to have a spare cage ready to go in case they turn on each other.
If you provide your chin with a large cage (not a fish tank) with a chin safe wheel (chin spin or flying saucer), wood shelves to climb/chew on, hanging toys to chew on, a house to hide in, a hammock to sleep in -- your chin is not going to feel neglected or miss you while you're gone. They will have lots to do. Spend some time with him during the early morning hours and late evening hours. Chins neither know nor care whether you are home during the day - they are sleeping!