Queen of the Sinful Chins
That's a huge cage...plenty big enough for a small colony of In your cage design, just keep in mind that degus (unlike chins) are climbers, not jumpers, so you'll need ladders and ramps and things to help get them between levels. I've used large branches before. They work nice, but do get peed on.
I thought it would be ok, but like to check
I'm planning on making all of the ramps from each level out of pine so they could be chewed or easily replaced (replacing ramps in a melamine cage would be easier than full shelves for me). I found a little pet store here that sells some awesome bird toys for other climbing options too.
What's the rule on plastic for degus? I figured since it was a no-no for the chins that it would also be bad for the degus, but I've seen tons of pics w/ plastic houses, bird toys, etc in their cages.