Decorah Eagles cam

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I saw clips of the first two hatches after the fact the other day. Didn't catch the third one but I always like these live video feeds. I just never remember to go to the web site.
Thanks for sharing, Stacie. I haven't been following but plan on taking a peek now! I love live animal cams!
Awww, I watched mama get off of them then get back on. I can almost smell their dusty feather-y-ness! We are in an Eagle area here, the prime time to see them are over the Christmas Holidays.
Ive been watching for quite a while now. They are just a few hours north of me. I was beginning to think the third egg wasnt going to hatch!

THe story has been plastered all over our news so we get constant updates. Its pretty cool.:)
what an attentive momma! i caught a few minutes of the feed and she sure has an eagle eye (pun intended! lol) on everything. was sitting on her babies, got up for a short wing stretch, and went right back to keeping those wee ones warm :))
I just pulled it up..and could swear I heard a horse neigh.

This is really neat. [= Last time I looked the babies were still in the eggs.
well, I've been drawn to the cam for the last couple of days now! It's so neat to catch a glimpse of the babies, and to see how attentive momma is to them.
very cool! My mom looooooooooooves watching eagle cams, I will have to make sure she knows about this one. She follows this one they had a baby hatch but another eagle took over the nest and the parents did not return while the intruder was in the nest and the baby didn't make it :( very sad, but that is just the way of nature I guess. We go up to the nest once a year and meet up with my mom's eagle friends that also watch the cam. The nest is huge!
I LOVE watching these, I watched her feed a rabbit? The other day :) I've been following this one, and one for red tailed hawks in NY.
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I have watched all the eggs hatch, very cool. I loved seeing the eagles when we had our trailer on the Chippewa Flowage--they are gorgeous birds. Once when we were out fishing I caught one to toss back--very small, dad noticed the eagle circling and tossed it up in the air for the eagle and it swooped down and caught it before it hit the water. We watched it take it over to the nest--it was one of the coolest things I have ever seen my dad do. The are amazing birds and an excellent symbol for our country.
I'm glued to the eagle cam constantly when I'm home. I leave it up on my lap top and bring it around the house with me. :D The babies are getting bigger every day! So fun to watch.
That's usually E1, he's getting more and more adventurous. He gets away with more when Dad is on the nest, Mom usually does a better job at keeping him in. He eventually finds his way back though.

I've been noticing the same thing! He's full of it, isn't he?
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I've been noticing the same thing! He's full of it, isn't he?

Yes, he's getting to be a little brat. Hehe. He's also picking on his siblings quite a bit too, but mom and dad seem to be doing a good job making sure everyone gets their fair share of food.
It would be nice to know their sexes- but then I'd probably name them! :p

ACK! He's out again!
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