Cutest Chinchilla Photo Contest

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2011
Hello Everyone,

We are having a contest on our Facebook page for the cutest chinchilla pic, with some great prizes. Go and enter for your chance to win!!!

Here are the details:


Hello Facebook Chinchilla Fans! is holding a picture contest of the cutest chinnie picture who will be picked by our Facebook friends. Submit your chinchilla picture today, tell your friends to vote, the chinchilla picture with the most likes will win. There will be first, second , and third place. May the cutest chinchilla win! <3


3rd place will receive a $5 off voucher for any order over $10.00 @

2nd place will receive a fleece tube

The grand prize winner will receive a fleece tube, 2 chinchilla toy factory treats, and 3 pounds of your choice of either Manna ProSho feed or of apple wood twigs...

Terms & Conditions:
Applies only to U.S. chinnies but not including Hawaii and Alaska. Must be your chinchilla, one entry per contestant, and must like Facebook page.

Click HERE to enter!​
Awwww how come no Hawaii entries?

Sorry, its just the shipping for the prizes to there, maybe next time we do one we can include all states, and then hopefully move up to international so everyone can participate! :dance3:
Go vote!

I was able to upload a photo of two of my boys getting to know each other. They are now best buds. Go vote for me. Marissa Huff.
Thanks for entering mrh1980, hope you were able to figure it out Godofgods, and thank you Riven for the info! We were going to send more than likely Parcel Post with tracking, but we will remember that for next time, Riven!
Does the contest end tonight or just submit of photos end tonight? I just entered one of my malo rescue on there :)