Crouton's Escape Adventures!

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Active member
Jul 15, 2012
I thought I'd share the story of Crouton (6 month old male) and his first escape from the cage!

He lives in my room, and one night my boyfriend felt something on his face... when he opened his eyes, it was Crouton on his shoulder nuzzling him! My boyfriend woke me up, and as we both sat up in bed, Crouton sat at the end, head tilted, looking at us like "Mom! Dad! Look, I got out to see you!"

Once he was safely back in his cage, we looked around to see what he might have gotten into before waking us. He had opened his dust container, knocked it over, and taken a dust bath on the floor! He had also gotten into his food back and eaten a bunch.

Seems every time he gets out, he's just excited to let us know he did it :)
sounds like he gets out/escapes out of his cage often? if so, i'd be looking at your cage and making it escape proof, or get a better cage.
No, it was only three times, all within the same few days while we figured out all the areas he could get out from. Since then, he hasn't gotten out on his own.

And we're working on the better cage - saving up for the Critter Nation double unit.
oh wow that is nuts good thing he woke you up !! chins can get into a lotta things while out...Mine I found out could open the latch now we have 2 latches and I have moved the shelves/ledges so she can force open the top one
Ours can fit through the bars in the cage. Just when they were almost big enough to not fit, we go two more younger ones. So we currently have the whole cage wrapped in Hardware Cloth. Not to hard to do, and easy to make small holes to anchor new toys and ledges as well. No issues since then.
Crouton is trying to be self sufficient and take care of his own feeding and bathing...quite the independent little chinnie! LOL He is like my 4 year old " No mom let me do it, I can do it myself!"...
Yeah Crouton is a little rebellious and independent :D We're very lucky he was most interested in his own stuff when getting out. We do keep electronics unplugged at night (just in case!) but there's just no way to protect him from everything at all times if he were to escape.