Cross species infections?

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Littlerock, California
I was going to get some fancy mice for pets, by a reputable breeder, not petstore feeders. I know they can still carry mycoplasma though, and I was wondering if chinchillas can get that? I dont want to put my chinnies at risk. They would not be in direct contact with the chins of course, but maybe the same room/area of the house. Anybody know if chins can get that from mice?
The only animals I am aware of that can carry diseases that could transfer to chins are cats (bordetella, pasteurella), rabbits (pasteurella), and people (herpes). Giardia is readily transmitted among any animals. As far as I know, myco does not transfer to chinchillas. I have rats and had them in the chin room for a while, I had to move them out though because it was the rats who were getting irritated by the chins' dust.
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Myco is not transmittable to the chins. I only separated mine for the same reason Mish did - because of the dust. Mine were in rooms next to each other, but it still got pretty dusty, so I moved them farther away.