Critter Nation Cage

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New member
Mar 18, 2014
Hey all!

I just bought my lil fuzzbutt Fergie a little over a week ago at Petsmart.

I had wanted a chin since I was a teenager , but never had the room to keep her away from my doggies.

Just bought my first house and Fergie has a room all to herself.

Ive read bonding can take months but she already jumps right into my hands when I put them in the cage.

As soon as I set up the cage they sold me , I immediatley felt it was too small (she was the biggest chin of the 4 they had)

thats the one I bought , they will take it back and I ordered the critter nation from Amazon , with the ramp covers as I read they can get their feet stuck in the rungs of the ramps (I did like that the original one I got that the ramps were solid metal)

Any recomendations for the critternation cage besides ramp covers to keep my lil girl safe??

heres my girl :)

You really don't need ramps at all, chins hop not walk, and those ramps are dangerous, even with the covers people have had chin's pull the fleece off and get caught. Also just like the ferret nations you have to either cover or replace the pans and shelves since they are plastic. Aside from that your best bet for ideas would be to check out the Ferret Nation Club thread. The CN is a tiny bit smaller then the FN and the bar orientation is different but otherwise they are pretty much the same cage, so you can do pretty much the same stuff.