Couple questions!

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Michelle (:

Well-known member
Feb 1, 2009
Chicago suburbs
Mel is 11 weeks old now and a pooping machine. I have to clean his litter box every 3 days (with carefresh) and switch his liners weekly and still my room smells TERRIBLE! He is on purina kitten chow, so do you think its the type of food that makes his poop smell so bad, or are babies just smelly?

And I know I should know this but I forgot, when do they start quilling? I have been noticing alot of quills in his cage and has been a little grumpy, but I havnt noticed him itching and he doesnt have any bald spots. I see alot of quills coming in also, and his skin looks very healthy.

Babies need liners and litter changed daily and often twice daily or they will smell. Babies are poop machines and their urine usually is stronger smelling than adults. I always fully clean babies every day and often do it morning and evening or they smell.