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poor girl.. like many people have said.. why can't people just love their chins for the pets that they are :(

Just have to go and make things complicated and risk their poor chinnie's life because like you said, they have a uterus and therefore, they 'need' to be bred. leave it up to the experts who are actually breeding to better the breed.. not just feel like putting a male and female together because you can.

these poor kits will most likely end up in a rescue if they live through the birth. Don't you see all these poor animals in shelters and rescues looking for homes and your adding to the problem? What about the ones that are already alive and have no where to go???

Sigh. There are so many things wrong with this thread, so much good advice being given and ignored...

OP, I hope for your chin's sake that this has not already been done. The world does not need any more poorly bred anythings - not chins, not dogs, not anything. The problem of pet overpopulation is way too large to be throwing two animals together willy-nilly to breed because they have the right parts. Breeding needs to be done with a goal in mind, with the right preparation and the right knowledge of what could happen. None of my breeders occur without much thought put in to the pairings - not one. And there is so much risk involved each and every time! That's why my absolute favorite chinchillas aren't breeders, and it still doesn't keep me from worrying.

Please reconsider...
I feel that the "breeders" out there that are claiming to be the experts should be giving advice over lectures and push back.

If a chin owner wants to breed, they will do it regardless of what we say so lets do everything we can to give honest, positive and correct information.

We at one point were all new to breeding, you never know, this poster may turn out to be a great breeder with the right information and guidance. I don't like the thought of just anyone breeding either, because i pride my self on my herd and the quality of my kits. But we all started some where...

Misty, I don't know if your female is pregnant yet, but here is a "color chart" I like to play with when thinking about my pairings.
Silverfall's chinchilla color calculator

Technically any chin can breed with another, but some colors have a "lethal factor" which will produce less kits. If you breed a pair with a lethal percentage, that means there will be more matings and less change of pregnancy... It will take longer to get kits and there may be less per litter. This is where a pedigree comes in handy, because if you have a beige but you don't know if it is **** or hetro, the parents mutation will give you that info.

Keep in mind, the cutest chins may not make the best looking off spring. It happened to me, i had the 2 best looking chins, black velvet and standard, both stunning, but the kit grew up to be not so cute (she was a standard, a sweetheart still). Mom and dad made beautiful kits with other mates, so it was just a bad mix.

good luck with whatever path you choose :)
I feel that the "breeders" out there that are claiming to be the experts should be giving advice over lectures and push back.

Kristen - I don't know who you are or if you even know what you are talking about, so take this in the spirit it is intended. I have followed this girl on Yahoo, and she followed me here. She knows NOTHING about chinchillas. Not even the very basics of care. She doesn't know how to breed, what to breed, when to breed, why they breed, how they breed, how to take care of kits, if the kits can take care of themselves, how they nurse, what they come out like. The list is endless. She has contradicted herself in many different ways. She is planning to deliberately endanger her female by passing it around like luggage. She will say she's not going to do something here, then she will turn around on Yahoo and do it anyway. So what you see here is a huge amount of frustration for someone asking questions who will never listen, or learn from, the answers. She doesn't want to. It would have been better had she just thrown them together and never posted, rather than irritate everybody here and on other boards with the same questions over and over, looking for the answers she wants rather than the correct answers.

So before you come on here lecturing people about backing off and whatnot, you need to know where the OP is coming from, as well as the people posting to her thread. You are absolutely right in that we all started somewhere. The difference is, most people replying to this thread started with a knowledgeable mentor to give them guidance. We listened to what we were taught. We learned, we absorbed, and we put it into practice. That is how you become a good breeder, and a knowledgeable one.
I'm all for people becoming a contributing member of the chinchilla breeding community. But throwing together a beige and a mosaic from unknown backgrounds isn't the way to do it - and the OP doesn't want to listen to the advice she's being given and why it is a bad idea... and breeding shouldn't be done for "cute" chins - it should be done to produce the best quality chins possible. That's where have a knowledgeable mentor and attending shows comes in handy.
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I feel that the "breeders" out there that are claiming to be the experts should be giving advice over lectures and push back.

If a chin owner wants to breed, they will do it regardless of what we say so lets do everything we can to give honest, positive and correct information.

This is a classic case of someone talking without knowing exactly what is going on. Like Tunes has said...this girl says one thing here and then posts something else on Yahoo answers. She has no idea how to tell if her female is in heat let alone pregnant but she wants to pass her around between males like it's a game of musical chairs.

We've given GREAT advice. If you weren't stuck too high on your horse you might have been able to read it towards the beginning of this thread.;)

I started out wrong as well, but like Tunes said the big thing is that I found a mentor and LISTENED to the advice given.
To the OP:

You said you do not want to kill your female. You do know that every time a female is bred, her chances of dying greatly increase? Sometimes births go just fine, other times you have a bloody dead mess.... Your female may very well die from being bred.

Let me tell ya. Walking into a chin room and checking the cage for kits and seeing a mother full of blood and dead is not a pretty sight. Seeing a baby ripped into pieces, the head at one end of the cage and the body at another end is not a pretty sight. Or picking up a kit, and it's head is dangling by just the spinal cord---that you can clearly see, as well as the ribs fully visible. There are many days I sit back and wish I didn't become a breeder. The more dead kits I handle, the more dead females I pull out of the cages over the years makes me wonder time and time again if breeding is worth it. Spare yourself the heartache, keep them as pets. It's much better that way.
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I did read the entire post which is why i felt compelled to say something. If someone keeps posting on many sites, they are looking so something they are not getting. I came here to offer my knowledge and experiences when i saw the topic and I started reading to see if there was anything thing i could add. Within the first few posts I see the push back. If this is how i was treated when i started out i would have dis regarded this community completely.

May i suggest a mod lock this as it is off topic of the original post?
If someone keeps posting on many sites, they are looking so something they are not getting.

I already said that above. She's looking for people to say yes to irresponsible breeding, and she's not getting the answer she wants, so she just keeps on asking. She's hoping, eventually, someone will say "Yes, absolutely. Breed anything you want to anything you want. It doesn't matter if they are crap genetically, as long as you're happy making fuzzy babies." You seem to be missing that point entirely.

I don't care if she breeds. I don't care if anybody breeds, provided they do it with at least SOME knowledge before starting. She has four different ID's on Yahoo (maybe more) and she asks the exact same question over and over again. When people suggested she do more research, as she had no idea where her chins came from or about genetics or anything else, her answer was "my mom is MAKING me breed them." When people said that was a total crock, she changed her ID, and came back asking the same question again under another one.

This isn't about running someone off from the chinchilla community. If anybody needs to stay and learn, it's definitely this person, but you can't learn if you won't listen and aren't open to suggestions from experienced "breeders" (I have no idea what your purpose was to putting that in quotations, as yes, I am a "breeder"). As soon as she says here she's not going to do something, she goes back to Yahoo and posts under one of her many aliases and does it anyway.

If you had chosen to disregard this community completely, that's okay, feel free to do so if you want to. But then don't continually come here lying and making up tall tales about what you are or are not doing. It only inflames the people here who actually care about their chinchillas, their breeding programs, and responsible breeding.
If someone keeps posting on many sites, they are looking so something they are not getting. I came here to offer my knowledge and experiences when i saw the topic and I started reading to see if there was anything thing i could add. Within the first few posts I see the push back. If this is how i was treated when i started out i would have dis regarded this community completely.

Yes and given she is posting on so many sites it's because she's waiting for someone to agree with her and to tell her sure go ahead and make cute fuzzies with chins you know little to nothing about, and that's not the reply she's getting.

I think you should take a look at the posts more carefully for the actual information given and not necessarily the tone you may be assuming. We are here for the betterment of the chinchilla and the safety of all the animals, end of story. And if someone's feelings get hurt because they didnt get the advice they were looking for but we save a chin, frankly I could care less.

If you read more threads than just this one before jumping in you will see that when someone legitamately comes here looking for advice about breeding we give it freely, suggest people to help them in their area and point them to local/regional shows to learn about quality.

What we will not condone, sugar coat or endorse is backyard breeding of chinchillas with no history of their lineage or health history when there are hundreds of rescues waiting for homes.
She was going to hear what she wanted somewhere....I will have no sypathy when she comes back with a problem
At the time, I wasn't a member of these forums, I didn't know she was trying to breed, I just though she wanted to know if it was lethal, I feel bad now for replying to that. Uhg. (I still like Silverfall though)
At the time, I wasn't a member of these forums, I didn't know she was trying to breed, I just though she wanted to know if it was lethal, I feel bad now for replying to that. Uhg. (I still like Silverfall though)

Don't worry about it. She was going to do it any way no matter what was said
I am so angry at seeing that link, it literally makes my blood boil. After all the information you guys gave them...

This is going to sound heartless, but a part of me wishes something really, really terrible happens so that they learn to not do this crap. I don't want the chins to get hurt, that's not what I meant, I just... people like that need a real slap to the face to get a point, you know?

Wow, just wow. I am honestly not that surprised though. We knew she was going to do it no matter what reasons she was given against it. I agree with Ash that I'd hate for something bad to happen to either chin but, she needs a wake up call.
I am still here. They are not together right now and I promise that.. I started a new forum in Introductions to explain a lot. ..
They might not be together right now, but you did irresponsibly put them together for a period of time 3 weeks ago. I really hope that nothing happens to your female because of your refusal to listen to good advice when it was FIRST given. It's going to take a lot to gain the respect of people on this forum again.
That was the second or third time the OP asked about this on Yahoo, under different user names, until she got what she wanted. However, she has stated here in her introduction thread that she is going to start listening and not come up with lies and other crap like how her mom is making her do it. Let's be vigilant, not vigilantes and give her a chance.