Cityville anyone?

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For those of you who have already completed the baseball stadium goals, do you have an extra hot dog collectible? I've been trying for one for awhile and just can't get another!
I am really loving the city! I've been ignoring my frontier completely.
I'll have to add Bonnie & Rob. I'm still in search of another soda. It took me forever to find the one I have.
I just got an iPad and can't play games on it, so it looks like I'll only be playing at work. I was a a little to addicted to games anyway. Maybe now I can actually get something done around the house!
I like my city but feel I do a crappy job placing things. I like my frontier more, but am enjoying playing with my city!
Thank you Kate for the cheeseburger & soda, those were taking me forever!

Laurie, I know what you mean about organizing everything.. I wish there was a way to put things into storage like on the frontier. Its hard for me to get my buildings where I want them & move things around when I don't have much land area. Those land permits are taking forever too.
I still love the city waaaaay more than the frontier though :)
I need 1 more neighbor for some goal thingy, if anyone would like to add me on facebook go for it.
I've been playing vicariously through my husband... Poor thing doesn't have many neighbors. Penguin Village can't get it's train running :(

Are folks still on CityVille? If so, would it be okay if suggested that he do whatever it is one does on facebook so he can be your neighbor (other than filling in to harvest crops, collect coins, and resupply stores in his city while he brushes his teeth, I don't do anything on facebook, so I don't know the right terms)? I am, however, weirdly invested in the welfare of his virtual village. Or is that totally poor form for me to ask?
Rob Walker, you're a big quitter! :neener: You were one of my best neighbors, always dropping by, giving me gifts. What happened??
I found him- if some of you have noticed, I've become addicted again lol, guess that's what happens when schools done :p